Al stood up slowly "Sort of...OW!" he said as he put pressure on his right leg."She beat me mercilessly....."
Al stepped out of the portal in front of the organization.He fell down in front of them."Owwww....."
Al looked back at Xenree blowing a kiss sarcastically and waving at Vanitas in a 'in your face' way."Oh yeah True Kenneth is back." He said as he walked into the portal.
Al hit the ground bruised and bleeding.He stood back up."You hit like a little b**ch." he said smirking."I'm gonna need a portal back..."
Al stood up. The darkness inside him raged. As his dark aura swirled he walked up to Xenree and knelt on one knee."What is my task?"
Al looked at her."I don't want to hit you I just don't want Namine getting hurt...."
Al sat in the corner frustrated. A dark aura swirled around him as he mumbled to himself.
Al looked at Xenree dissapointed."But...." He just walked to the corner of the room with a cold look on his face brooding in the darkness.
Al looked at Xenree and in a meak voice said "Also I have one rquest....please don't hurt the blonde haired girl..." and after a long pause he added."Or the blonde haired boy who seems to be associated with her..."
Al tripped falling into Xenree's arms."Mistress Xenree I have failed you....."
Al followed Vanitas into the portal silently.He stopped right before entering the portal then looked at Roxas making eye contact and looking rapidly between him and Xenree's charm lying on the ground.He turned back and continued into the portal.
Al was in front of Vanitas now."Stop.Message received.Now quit hurting these innocent people.I'll go back with you if I need to....but if you continue hurting these people both of you will regret it.Now leave."
Al looked at Vanitas confused."So why exactly were you sent here?What does she want from me?"
After getting Namine to a safe place Al walked back to the fight."Vanitas! If Xenree wants to talk to me then take me to her now and leave the others!!"
"Run Namine!" Al screamed.Al slid his hand out summoning his keyblade.He quickly swung it hitting Vanitas in the side.He rolled the opposite direction out from under his foot hoping to off balance him."If its me you want then take me!But you will not hurtv these people!" he said standing back up.
Al followed her."Wait...Look I'm sorry about what happened...I was drunk....are you gonna be okay?" Al said very sincerely.
Al shrugged."If you want to go ahead..."
Al just looked at her and blinked."Why would I....?I tell you what you can have it if you want." Al pointed to a pocket in his backpack."It's right in that pocket."
Al shot Roxas a glare."I'm done with her.I don't think she cares to have me around anyway.And one thing I promise.." Al said looking sincerely at Namine"...If your with me I won't let anyone hurt you."
Al waved back."Hey ummm would you want to go out?" Al said.The words felt odd.He wasn't used to being polite.