Al just looked at Xenree."I wonder how long this is gonna take....." Al sat at Xenree's feet and waited.
"Xenree!?" Al stood waiting unsure of what she was doing.
"Your....not gonna hurt her are you...?" He didn't really want it to be forced.....Besides eventually the corruption would wear off and he would have this problem all over again.
"I just want Namine to like me really...." Al said not really paying attention. He was testing his control over the darkness.He was controlling a small string of darkness maneuvering it arond the floor.
Al calmed down."Yeah....actually it would...." Al shuddered remembering he had left her charm.She would kill him if she found out.I'll have to get it back... he thought.
Al looked at her."Your just using me aren't you!You would dispose of me at a moment's notice!And it wouldn't bother me if the girl I'm risking my life to protect even cared!" His dark aura started to return.
As Al stumbled out of the portal he bumped into L.O.G. knocking his switch to off.Al didn't seem to notice. His darkness filled the castle."Mistress Xenree!Help me!!"
Al looked around at the darknesss surrounding them."I can't stop it!"Panic spread across his face.The darkness started to get out of control. He outstretched his hand as a portal slowly opened."I'm going to see Xenree!" he said as he ran into the portal.
Al sat down.He had heard what Roxas and Namine said from down the hall.Al's dark aura was growing.A scowl spread across his face.His darkness grew until it filled the room.He just sat in silence until he finally said "Whats the point then!"
Al looked at Vanitas."Why do all of my actions go unnapreciated......I don't want to use this feels wrong....why does Xenree need me......" Al face was full of sadness.He felt stupid for opening up to Vanitas he knew he would just laugh at him or something like that.
Al growled."SHUT UP!" he yelled as he turned around.As he turned around a dark tendril lashed out and hit Vanitas in the face like a whip."Did....I..." Al clutched his head bending down on the ground."What kind of monster am I?!"
Al felt horrible he had betrayed everyone.And the one had worked so hard to protect had rejected him.He simply walked away from Namine back to his room he locked the door as his dark aura returned.
"I don't know...I'll see what....lover?....." Al was confused his head was pounding.
Al clutched his cheek in pain."But i did it for you would be protected....."
"She beat me....mercilessly.....but I did it for you....." Al said lowering his head.
Al wiped it off."Oh its nothing just Xenree......" he stopped midsentence.
"Oh not much..." Al said forgettng about the trickle of blood flowing down the side of his mouth.
Al tried to hide some of his bruises as she walked up to him.He didn't want her to see him in this state.
Al looked around."Where is Namine?I want to talk to her..."
Al looked him with blood coming down the side of his mouth."She made me....she said she would let me go and not hurt Namine.....if I let her beat some kind of sadistic game..." he said struggling to stand up.