Funny DW Antiform Situation... Yays!!! I got the DW Antiform to work! So, what's the first thing that I do with it? I go to beat the game!!! One minor problem... NO REACTION COMMANDS!!! I forgot to put in the "RC for Antiform" code! So, when Sora starts getting zapped by Xemnas, (and the player controls Riku), some strange stuff starts to happen... 1.) Number one, and the strangest... Sora stays Antiform, even after the start of the "Zapping." Therefore, he can't do Reaction Commands, and, in turn, that means Riku, too! So, when you DO get close enough to use "Rescue..." You can't. It's as if Riku turned Antiform, as well! 2.) Number two, and the most obvious... Riku has tendrils of shadow coming off of him... Like Antiform! He doesn't seem to be otherwise affected... Well, except for the fact that he is now trapped, getting bounced back by a Xemnas clone, while watching his best friend get zapped... 3.) Number Three, and the most illogical... When you get close to Sora and Xemnas, you will notice that Sora is in his KH1 clothes! I mean, what? Did he revert to a younger age? Granted, he still has the trademark Antiform shadow around him, but you can definitely see some bright, washed out red in there! Plus, his shoes are different! That is the most blatant thing about him now being KH1 status. His shoes are in KH1 style... Well, that's it for my monologue on DW Antiform... Thanks!
DW Riku... Hey! Has anyone noticed that when you use the DW Riku Code, the second Keyblade disappears when he's done attacking? I mean, when you do a combo, it appears, but when you hit the ground and just stand there, the left hand blade goes away! I think it might be a visual thing -- he does straighten his hair with that hand! :huh: @ DragonHead7580: I tried the DW Antiform steps that you mentioned, but it only gave me Antiform in the menu with Final Form's moveset... I attacked, but Sora only did the normal Antiform attack, (a really, really long combo)... No Keyblades!!! This is why I asked for one that is compatible with Codebreaker 8 or earlier... Or would that not matter, anyway? Thanks!
Random Requests... Sorry for the randomness of this post, but... Requests: +Shortcut Mod Digits -- I have the Shortcut Mod Code, but no digits! I would like to be able to put the Trinity Limit, Antiform Drive Command, and the Party Command into my Shortcuts, but I don't know the digits... +A DW Antiform Code that works with Codebreaker v. 8.01 or earlier -- I tried the code mentioned in this thread, but all it does is make a T-Stanced Antiform, with no Keyblade(s), and with a strange face texture, (his face is all screwed up). +A Universal NPC Replacement Mod -- I want to make a total Final Fantasy free-for-all, but the codes don't work! I can get it to go to the Throne Room, (Land of Dragons), but it either doesn't load, (no image, just music), freezes when I move or when an RC pops up, (like with Sephiroth), or shows the room from a distance, with only the ability to pause the game, (no menu). If someone can make one for each world, with one room per usable world, I would appreciate it! That's it... For now! Thanks! EDIT: I would also like to add that the DW Riku code rocks! Granted, he has Sora's voice, (it's kinda funny), and he's kinda hard to control, (especially with air combos), but you can't be perfect, right? ANOTHER EDIT: Question -- Does anyone know of a way to make Donald and Goofy into Final Form Sora? Preferably with "minds of their own." What I mean is that they attack enemies and follow you around. Plus, when they attack, they use Final Form's moves! Is that even POSSIBLE???
Throne Room Mod, (Land of Dragons), Problems... Okay! I finally got to test the Land of Dragons Throne Room Object Mod, (the one where you can turn the chests and NPCs into bosses, allies, or just random stuff), and it didn't work! I think it may be my PS2 system, (it's like the first version ever released), but I hope not! Here is the code: This series of codes turns all of the NPCs, the two big chests, and the save point into Sephiroth. I tried to do all of them, (plus turning both party members into Cloud), but the game went into a freeze-frame of the room from a distance. I could pause, but that was about it! Also, when I tried to take some out, it would work, but the game would freeze when all of the Sephiroths in the room did the RC move. Or if I moved too fast beforehand. Could someone take a look at these codes and tell me what is up with them? Thanks!
Nope! Will you tell me how? I found the code, but I don't know how to make it work! The maker of "Sora Invasion" included the code in the description. What I want, however, is to do that in other worlds! I have the one for the Land of Dragons Throne Room, but what about for a more "populated" area? Like, an area with a crap-load of NPCs, objects, and a save point? I want to make a total free-for-all with Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth, Leon, Yuffie... You get the picture! I would appreciate it if some one would make a list of random rooms with a lot of replaceable objects in them. Thanks!
NPC/Object Mod...? Hello, again! I was wondering if anyone had a Universal NPC/Object Mod? I mean, is there a code that turns things like chests, NPCs, and save points into allies, bosses, and/or enemies? Earlier, I posted a code that turned all of the objects, NPCs, and the save point into Sephiroth. Is there a code to do that in any world, in any room? Thanks in advance!
I have been able to get both party members to change to Sephy as well as be there during the actual Sephy fight, (I got OWNED until I got the Infinite HP Code). But I think that you were partially right: I think it works better with the fewer ones you do. I got it to work with my party members turning into Sephiroth, as well as having the two big chests turn into him. However, I made the mistake of trying to be Roxas and then driving into DW, (via Valor Form), with the Reaction Command Fix, (can't remember where I got that one, but I included it below). He got T-Stanced at the beginning when ALL FOUR OF THE SEPHYS DID THE REACTION MOVE!!! I tried it again with a party of Sora, Cloud, and Sephiroth, (CLASSIC!!!), and it worked until I beat Sephy... Sora got thrown into the abyss outside of the room, (the "black emptyness" mentioned before), and then T-Stanced as he fell. He fell... And fell... And fell. I think it's still going in the other room... I tried it like 10 minutes ago! I actually didn't see the last post until just now, and had begun tweaking the codes that I put in. By the way, had anyone ever seen Sora, (or whoever you're playing as), get THROWN? I mean, he looked like he got shot out of a cannon! Sephiroth said, "You have intriguing power..." and then the room flashed white and Sora was suddenly flying through the air at the Emperor's Throne... And went right through it! As he passed through, he T-Stanced and I moved the camera back to look at the room to see it falling away from him. It looked like something from Shadow of the Colossus. When you get hit at close range by a Colossus's projectile you fly away in quite the same way... @ kingdomdarkness: Anyway, (sorry for another really long post), I have the Forms Code and the Roxas Codes but the Infinite Jump...? Nice! I gotta try that! And I will try to use just one Sephy, (the Emperor one), and see how he likes me jumping all the time! :yelling: Thanks a lot! Here's the DW Roxas Reaction Fix Code: DW Roxas performs Reaction Commands (some of them still don't appear)[R2] E001FDFF 0035B55C 01CC382F 00000001
Suggestions...? Hey! I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions for good codes for KH2 that are fun to use on a constant basis. I mean, the kinds of codes that never get old! Also, I just thought of another code that I have that never works. It is what I like to call the "Land of Dragons Throne Room Sephiroth Madness Code." (Long name, I know.) It basically replaces the two big chests, the two guards, the Emperor, and the Save Point with Sephiroths!!! I can't get it to work, though. I took out one of the codes and it froze after they all say, "Show me your strength." (Like, if I wanted to have the Emperor watch me get slaughtered...) Also, if I put all of the codes in, (all six of them), the game doesn't load! The music starts, but the screen is like, ummmm, I think it's called "Sight-Seeing mode." It shows the room from a distance with a black emptyness around it. (Can you say, "glitchy?") So, if someone can give me a code that will work or if they can fix the code that I put in below, then I will probably have a seizure, pass out, and play it after I get out of the hospital. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK!!! Thanks! Here is the code... That's about it for now... Sorry about the HUGE post! Oh, and by the way, in post #1493, on page 136 by "the_guardians..." That "Don't click this" thing is funny! I found that soooo annoying... But in an entertaining way! :starwars:
Yah! @janime6: yeah, that Sephy code worked! i am forever in ur debt... unless u want me to do something strange... uh, nevermind... @all: if anyone needs codes converted from ARMax to Codebreaker, (or vice versa), i would be happy to oblige... granted, my conversion methods sometimes do not work! no guarantees! thanx!
Thanks... I hope! @janime6: Thanks! I hope that this works... I'll test it tonight... Or rather, this morning...
Sephiroth attacks you... but it doesn't hurt? Hey! I'm new here and I was wondering if someone had a code for Codebreaker that replaces Donald and/or Goofy with Sephiroth... But, when he attacks you, he does damage to surrounding enemies! I would really appreciate it if someone could give that to me, (or point me to a page on this thread that has it). Thanks! Oh yeah, and how do you put sigs on your posts? I really am new here...