Yah, I wonder how long this place as been here?...Sorry random questions
Hiya ^_^ How are you?
Yah nothing much to do is there...well the missions will most likely start soon
OOC I donno about 4 or 5 pound for a ticket roughly -she tooks some popcorn and laughed- Well I like popcorn
I'm gonna get looking around see how many other members have finished packing. Any of you can come if you want or catch up later -he said as he headded for the door-
OOC ...? do you mean what would you give? -she laughs a little- your welcome -she said then turned to to movie grabing some popcorn-
OOC me? meh not really I can't say I love it till I've seen alteast 3 movies I could order some pizza if you want? -she said as she put some butter into a bowl and melted it in the microwave then poring it over the popcorn-
OOC I wanna see all the saws Hmmm I just wanted to get away from my old home for a while but my old friends haven't sent a letter texted or rang me -she sighed as she took the cooked popcorn out of the microwave then into a big bowl- do you like butter, sugar or iceing sugar on your popcorn?
cool...dang what pic do you want again I forgot? sorry
OOC XDDDD yah but the one thats out now is the last and the nastiest of them all I think -she got up and walked over the the cupboard and got out the popcorn packet then she place the packet into the microwave and turnin the time dile as she waited for the popcorn she watched the tv from the kitchen-
any perticular saying?
ok I'll make one for you ^_^
OOC you've still seen more than me -she smiles back- Oh do you want any popcorn?
OOC 1 completaly and that was the 4th one -sigh- Nope nothing I can think of...Do you wanna watch the movie with me I mean I've been on my own for a while so I'd be nice to have company? -she asked-
OOC I wanna watch them lol -kairi looked over to Dante- Save me from what? -she asked smiling-
OOC ok but what do you wanna talk about out of character? -is in her room watching the saw's-
What have you been doing then? -she asked even though she knew theres not that much to do at the castle
No you can't you know what Demyx gets like when he misses Chester even when hes in the meeting room or on a mission
OOC Out of Charater or in just Kairi is left out too XD
which Roxas one? the top or bottom?