I have a feeling its gonna be...Nah I'll let you figure it out -he smirked-
-he followed Larxene to the rooms- I bet you he finds someone sooner than we know it
Huh?...your gonna involve him?...whatever
What get the other members involved? Unless its pranking them then no...Seen as you came up with the idea of a fight over me not being your slave why don't we say who ever loses becomes the slave to the winner through atleast 2 days of the holiday and the days before the holiday
Like I know what goes on in your head...I'll only fight if there's something to fight for...Like a bet
...You mean fight you?
I'm not your salve...So why should I entertain you -Axel said folding his arms-
Your the one not watching where your going
Yah -sigh- Are we alowed outside the castle?
OOC XD I think american accents are way better...buts that's coz I'm used to my accent now XD ...I wonden't be all that supprised to be honest I used to get a load where I used to live and I have my own weapon -she said as she grabbed her keyblade and turned it into oblivion- one of my old friends gave me it in our last battle -she said as she smiled-
-wonders around looking for more random members-
W00T party *dances*
you never know what could happen
Well I'll leave you two alone then -he smiled as he walked off-
...Oh so not a very nice person/side to know
OOC England...you? Errm it's called saw 5 I think
^_^...ok thanks
I'll go check it out...Anyone know if Roxas has finished packing?
you have another side? If you don't mind me asking is it good or bad compaired to the side your are now?
OOC whats been happaning?