...errrm ok -jumps out the window and sommons Xaldin's Dargoons and flys down on one of them- not as good as yours...oh well OOC I donno what Kairi can use so I say she can sommon Nobodys and Heartless XDD
np ^_^ I did one for my Axel-Chan
Yepie ^_^ check out my youtube and check out my amv...search Emarizaheart
...Yep ^_^ I could try and get you a prezzie ^_^ maybe a dante or kadaj Amv ^_^or something ^_^
...Are you joking?...Acutly it sounds good -she giggled-
O.O I missed it T_T HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! -partys-
...-he blinked- shut it
Good...So shouldn't we go to the practice room now?...Well wasn't it you who came up with that subject? So in a way isn't your fault?
Oh right...Why do they keep comming -she said as she faught-
-dances- OK ^_^
oh...ok...see you later
...Me? -he smiled-...you know I get the feeling Zexion and Demyx are talking about us
well thats a plus to the castle
Ok...Whatever...Larxene are we going now...I thaught you wanted that fight
Hmmm...-he tahught back to when Zexion and demyx were talking- because you said that he...Well I can't remember but...I don't know I just think there is something going n between you two
The way you two were talking earlier
...Just admit it you like Demyx -Axel said from behind Zexion-
Thats good then...means I can wonder about...well when I'm really bored
...Huh?...You have a mistery team? -she asked as she faught off the monsters- If only Sora and Riku were here to help us -she thaught-