I thaught that you would of given into me this time round
No not really but I was hopeing today would of been different
Hiya Marly ^_^ It's Naminé
Ah oh well it would of been fun I could of made you lose
-he thaught for a minute- Oh yah because I'm a higher rank you have to listen to me -he smerked-
...and on how bored I get too. I feel like giving in because I'm already getting bored but I don't want to lose against you
Yah Your right...You might even end up killing me here
I donno Who's better Sometimes they are the same. Some people say Guys are better then Girls Some people Say girls are better then Guys And some people say they are the same? Whats your oppinion?
This is gonna be fun no sun bathing for you then I guess -he laughed a little- We'll be left behind as everyone esle goes on holiday
...She was at the cinima XDDDD I'm a dimwit XD
Oh great no my friend seems to be ignorin me T_T
oh well I guess we'll be here for ever -he sighed smiling-
Yah I'm just scared to perform it infront of some of the college students -sigh-
-he smirked- I see neather of us are gonna give up are we
I hope T_T I have to be off the script compleatly by monday and we only got the new script this week T_T
XD I bet I forget my lines XD
DX ahh I have to perfrom infront of the college and then my family and friends -sigh-
Yah -sigh- well its better then school but thing is I have a production going on in a week on monday so its rehirsles all week (bad speller T_T)
I've left but I'm at college now XD -sigh- its boring
hey how are you?