I only came up with it thanks to you ^_^
and blast my music so no one can hear me ^_^ great plan ^_^
^_^ -sigh- I ment to practice my lines infront of a mirror but I feel like an idiot doing so DX
DX I know T_T I took my outfit in all week tho so I'm not gonna forget it this week ^_^
I wouldn't call this a vacation...Well acutly depending on where we go it'll problys seem like one -she said as she followed him and killed Heartless- I wonder if Sora and Riku are having the same problem on destany Islands and if so I hope they're ok -she thaught to herself-
Yah...I have dress rehirsles today though...I bet ya me and sarah will be the only ones to have our costumes
OOC bye bye BIC My name is Aqua I'm his long lost sister I've been looking for him for years -she explained-
OOC ok thanks ^_^ -Aqua saw Zexion and walked over to him- Have you seen someone called Demyx?
OOC ....Where are Aqua and Axel???
T_T I'm gonna get stage fright I know it T_T
no prob -Axel said as he walked with her-
yep ^_^...I still cant get my monolog right yet XD
^_^ no prob...is it on here?
You have a book? cool I'll check it out ^_^
OOC awww bye bye Yah why not...There's nothing else to do
Hi I'm great...you?
To kill me -he said also standing up-
The best bet would to look for maleificent first as the organization will be more wide spread...and thank you for looking out for me -she smiled-
I don't mind the questions I'd of guess there would be some security at a place like this...Ok again thank you Yes thank you...You just missed my vital organs -he said as he pulled the Kauni out of his chest
-he shouted as he got shocked- I agree -he said as he collapsed-