-he laughed- Well thats true Awww but We can't leave Chester
I wont...you know I'm no good at makeing siggys the second one I made was off of that banner making site the top one I made from paint I'm no good
-as she walked she saw Rexejon- Hey
have you asked if you can take them? or are you sneeking them?
Well thats good...What have you got in that suitcace -he said as he looked to the suitcase-
Your going to put your fish in there with all them cloths?
...-Axel watched as Demyx left- He threw random stuff in again -he sighed then went to Demyx's room- You know your not that good at lieing you know that right?
Made sure you have all that you need too? or did you just throw random things in?
Finished packing yet?
Here you go ^_^ just got it up on youtube http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=c-BgEHZOVPg
Axel and Roxas Yaoi
It's an AkuRoku though just so you know
Yep ^_^ I have made a new amv but I havent put it up yet (I got bored when my internet went off lol)
OOC Sorry for my late join in my interent went down sorry -Kaylix wondered the corridors looking out of the windows as she did. She stopped at one of the windows and looked up to the dark sky- Not even the moon can light up the sky a little bit more -she thaught as she sighed and started to walk once again looking for something to do-
Hello Demyx -Axel said after wakeing from a little nap he took while Zexion and Demyx talked-
Sorry I have to visit my grandparents on a saturday but this week my grandad retired so we had a party on the friday and the saturday then my...
OOC It's ok just no one ever talks to me and I get lonely T_T
Maybe but I'm also busy them days sometimes too -sigh-
aww tha's no fair T_T