uuhhh....... Then don't say it's way awsome and not tell me.....
lol thanks. *takes a bucket of snow*
OMG!!! It is fluttering snow outside for the first time all winter!!!! I hope it sticks.....
Ditto. Hey, does Bella have a vampire ability like edward,alice,and jasper?
the staff is the first weapon we have to learn, i already knew it but the others didn't so it was boring for me....
hhhmmm..... so what are u doing now at home?
well, the bo is also know as a staff, the knee tom bos are the two sticks, and the numchucks are the two sticks with the rope holding them...
Sore. Karate. Wepons. You know, i thought in the first book it said that they couldn't because he could break her so easy.
well, last night we had to do bo's because of new students, but i know knee tom bo's, bo, numchucks....
lol, he made our arms sore by making us hold weapons for like a hour in hard positions to make sure we are doing it precise my arms felt like...
Hey! How u doing?
I didn't drag to bad.
heyas! whats up? ^_^
Lol, it is funny! Did u make it?
see ya!!!! I got to go!!! later!
thanks, last one i promise, whats the order of events? (becoming a vampire or proposal or marrige...)
I already did somthing wrong..... I have to go pretty quick any way so one more question:When does the best stuff start? (aka second book, third,...
I'll try! see ya!
Thanks! i'll try,. here we go.....