oh no you didn't!! (grabs a pie and smushes it in your face.)
what about movies?
u don't have to, so did you go sledding?
thanks bro. so, u have a job at 13? isn't that illegal?
what are u talking bout?
I can't go to the rp because i am talking to too many people. Is it a boy or girl?
Yeah, me too, I am talking to way to many people right now.
hm hm. So have you read any good books lately?
okay, to much info on that last part. ollie says i am not amusing to him.
thanks alot.:sideways:
Just what i have told u.
To bad. I hope your not in pain.
Good. i have a chance. I didn't think vampires could have babys.
HaHaHaHaHaHa! So whats are yous doing?
Youv'e never been amused since iv'e known u.
It's not to descriptive?
It's tacos!!! And i like pizza alot too but i like tacos more!
are u ever amused?
Whats my favorite food? heres a hint, it either Pizza or Tacos.
why aren't u?