vanitas- were all th clones of everyone go
vanitas- zexion i know thats not you (puts his hand threw him and it come sout the other side) i new it your really are the ghos t of barney
vanitas- nocks on xion/zexion door hey ugh its the pizza dude open the door so i can (trys to read card that van z his holding hehide bush) open up so i can make out with--- i mean give you pizza, i hate you van s van s teh he
vanitas- right (steels ergus mushtac and puts it on his helmet)
vanitas- ill find her watch this, hey xion its the pizza guy i have your pizzia (dressed in disquz
vanitas- roxas weve been raing for this take down the fake xion and find the real one i wikll help u
vanitas- and yet their no clone of me (you took that from the comic lol)
xigbar- yay i lost all my money , whyed you sue me again (hey terra)
vanitas- and yet i get left out again com,on boys lets go teroise dr phil van s- k no hearts- i want mick donalds jude judy i want burger king van- get out of here you guys and sue aqua MF - ill do it i was in law school for 4444942333 years
van s- well acuallty we were van lawyers and weregoing to soue you but sense you have no munny were suing aqua judge judy- will aqua please come to the stand
:lol2:hey welcome back i missed ya
van s- what no were do you get roxas from were both just armer left over from are users so now ur going to pay for that comet alot
van s and no heart appear van s- so i here your meeing with vanitas NO heart- yay we dont like that so now guess what were going to hurt you
vanitas- sora sora how would you like to meat my freind mr setiment and mr heart
vanitas- acuallty coundt take my mask off becasue for some reason that would ruin the plot of the story and plus i look so sexy with this helmet to the fangirls dig it
vanitas- sora their one problem i wwas around before you were so beat that hotwhels siax jumps off alter of naught again, this is my new hobby
van- dont test me punk (puts helmet on) and by the way roxas xions mine luxord- goes back in time then comes back) roxas you are so screwd
vanitas- dont worry vanitas here if this doent stop them nothing will pulls helemt off for all to see
luxord- i no how we can tell ill just go back in time then that will prove your incentce right roxas, you are telling the truth saix- apppears then jumps off alter of naught again
luxord- eveyone run xemnas is trying to kill eveyone sense so idiot trashed his room! (runs away saix were all going to dye jumps off alter of naught xigbar my room was trashed to and im going to put a bullet in ther head