you put your name as van terra)
vanitas- i has nothing to ith your heart it rotts your brain out and makes all majior argerys fail, i went to medical school
vanitas- gladly buts nuclear matial on him killing him from radiation mean joe (former football player)- nice work lad vanitas- thanks mean joe! you no van s he not that mean VAN S- no hes not
vanitas- its not toxix its been sitting there for 80 years
vanitas ugh no now go transport to me at once and im working on the ofther half of my project
vanitas- go to cheroboyal the nuclear power plant
van- love you to terra , now on to busines i need one of you lucky contests to find me a source of uraniunm
vanitas- well just to be an icebreaker i hate all of you
yeah sure vanitas- ven i missed you again and i have a better freind that that old MF i got NO HEART NO HEART- im really xemnas armer but normura doesnt want youguys to no that te he
wait we have a new ven now?
hey ya whats up
vanitas- well its time for anther lawsuit aqua your going to court for threting MF
Van- MF (puts arm around him) man i havent seen you sense we sued aqua hows life been so far
VAnitas- no vanitas ce back
Dragovich- sreo thes (runs up to zexion. Nocks him down) dye u grammernazi
Dragovich- dye (pulls out a sickle and slits it's head off and then rebabs it master cheif sTyle. Vanitas- no keep it on ( licks it on. By uses a dark spell that makes him bad) now go and give this package to Ansem
Van- oh (looks at sora and then puts his helmet on him and paints him white) hm I have plans for u America. Dragovich- hey u American that's my line in the name of soviet Russia I curse u. Vanitas-k
Vanitas - ugh what I miss (sees himself aNd a sora clone )
Vanitas- not even listing to sora notices ven (roxas) omg runs up to him hugs him I missed u I must merge with u
Vanitas-I think I must have been dricking to much with luxord last night. Luxord-play ur cards ri---(xigbar shoots him)