vanitas- well i was thinking along the lines of chucky cheesyes or so facy five star restruent in france gtg seeyou tommorow!
bye terra vanitas- now that tall dark guys gone me and aqua can go on a date
vanitas- raises hand and a dark spirit block the atack, see wasent that awsome
vanitas- ill show u the cool way to block roxas with out useing a keyblade terra attack me
vanitas- hey aqua wats with the fighting.
vanitas- (walking around radient garden now being surbmed to the darkness)
vanitas- i feel like were replasing old ven i miss him vanitas- wats with the talking duck whats next a talking dog
vanitas- dodges it and come up behide heer hitting her in the back of the head nocking here out out no heat one down 1 to goe
vanitas- NO heart lets get them (attacks xion useing dark impulse NO HEAR- ends beams of light at the 2)
xailedn- hey koolaid guy get over here and poor me some koolaid
mean joe- oh yay well now im mean(grow to the size of gawd zilla and attacks them buts gets to tired and goes home vanitas wtf just happended NO HEART- i dont no luxord- well if it ist docter house i need you to give me a bandaid
mean joe - i just killed a super soilder i can handle you *charges at them both nd then intersects xion then blitzs towards namine vanitas- im with team mean joe NO HEART- team xion and yuffie
saix- no i dont but i think mean joe might me joe- (stades up crosseing his arm saix your choice xion
xemnas- doing paper work in his office saix- xion xigbar i have a mission you can both go on vanitas- im really bored
hey guys i added a new comic to the picture section
dragovich- or can i (calls nomura and has a talk then hangs up) dam i cant but i can mock u your a ugh painsy ugh you look fat yeah im so beast vanitas you no what mean joe you no what to do mean jope- charges dragovitchand coildes with him drgaovitch- ahahgahagaggahghahgfhaggahgh (nocked on the ground and dyes)
dragovitch- u can never kill me im inmortal from all the votka i draink im a super soilder like master chief throws 20 throwing nives at terra vanitas- here he goes again
vanitas- hey all i did was supply the spetnaz blame dragovich and the russian army dragovich- you americans have no idea wat i have in store for all of u
vanitas- ges i have to get the ukaraine (getts ukaraine and puts it in rocket ship) spenaz anncoucer- soviet missle is armerd for impacte ontha Land of te depature 5-4-3-2-1, missle lauch vanitas- thanks again mean joes mean joe- no prblem kid rember keep your grades up and dont do drugs vanitas- oke, who what a nice guy
anyone on...............