vanitas- sees montro and climes on top of him and rides him around) yay who wants a ride on the monstro express vanitas S= above water) jmh ill go fishing (while fishing gets his hook stuck on roxas) whoo big one
vanitas S- pulls out sentry gun and its shoots terra aqua roxas vanitas- i want to go to atlantica (atlatica) oh aqua u look so sexy in that clam thing wat ever it is, you no im single
vanitas- pulls out his duck hutting shotgun and blows his head off) yeah i got a buzz kill
vanitas- care if i jo-- WTF runs from leperd ) why is there a leperd in the forest anyway
Vanitas wat are u guys talking about
mean jjoe- no i inist i will also make vanitas and xeonort and the unverse go away toand never come back
mean joe- im sorry young lady how about i take u and terra out to some five star restruent and by u a house as well and give terra some uraineum
saix- hey lea jumps off the building again, ih and roxas i have a misson for u in neverland
vanitas- i no mean joe mean joe (nockes aqua out ) saix- jumps off the alter of naught and then goes too dunkin donuts
megotron- do as i command blows up vanitas- NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mean joe kill mean joe- k (grabs terra thros him on the ground and then hits a pressure point nocking him out
vanitas- oh i wodent say that megotron megatron (transformers) now dye puney human shoots lasers and dops mini nukes all around him
vanitas- well whos worthey of u
vvanitas- fight some one worthey of u
xemnas- zexion i will turn u into a dusk and then laugh at you and then go to sllep and wake up the next day and laugh at you some more luxord- heydont be hateing vanitas- im waiting terra
xemnas- well good hey can help u zexion demyx go and elp roxas fix my rrom now
xemnas- well i do have some spare time sense Roxas is going to go repair my room sense he trashed it armer of maser- im still ur masster so eat it fool (gets in a car with gangsters and drives into the sunset
armer of the master- well how about your masters talking armer
vanitas- keep dreaming terra
vanitas- acually (shoots beam of darkness in a 360 spin hitting eveyone) im better
vanitas- u guys boring how about you try and save the world from darkness master xeonort- ow my back ugh vanitas is there a reason why ur comunikating with the enemyand why vanitas setiemnt riding a unacycle