wats up ssssssssssssssssssssss
vanitas- mf why you helping sora and ven ur n my side get over here (hey ven MF always had helped vanitas+
vanitas hey guys oh by the way summens chi blade im going to kill ven (attacks ven)
vanitas- well i have u guys all destroyed except aqua cause she willb be my wife and i will see the keyblade wars happen again
vanitas-- merges with ven again vanitas/ven- now we will ccreate kingdom hearts (summens kingdom hearts and goes into it )now i have the power to rule all worlds!
nothing really im just trying to find EPIC vanitas pictures wat you doing
vanitas s- oh im going to sit here and watch all of them fight i think terra vs aqua and vanitas.ven vs all this is going to be sick
vanitas- forget that (merges with ven) (in vens mind woah your heads pretty emty vanitas/ven- now i kill u all with the x blade attasks terra and aqua
vanitas- wats going on (leaves land of departure generl sheper- i was just about to kill some aniamls their to
yo whats up ven!
vantias- i now claim pride rock in the name of the unversed (unversed looking aminals replace al of the heartless and take over the whole planet
no heart- you called mwahahahahhahhaah cough cough i need water water falls on floor spazing out w--atttt-errrrrrrr
vanitas- i dont think so vanitas runs up to simbo and and nocks him out and then runs away
vanita-(teloports to anther side of pridelands) wo why am i a df(what ever scar's minons are) owell (runs and sees terra) um looks delius chases after and trys to kill him
vanitas- wait for me (jumps in to
vanitas- pulls out a nuke and dropps mutiple on the forts and then runs uop shootingguys sheperd - this is my q (runs in with his pstole shooting eveyone soap spetnaz attack (spetnaz shoot all of the nazi they see)
vanitas- hey sense i am also the dark part of sora i have a thing for pooh but sense your crying well go to the world war to and kill some nazi with captian america and the advengers
vanitas- wtf gets hit by harpone, it looks like team rocket it blasting off again (gets shot back to the sufface vanitas- time for a senorie change (flicks his fingers and eveyone gets sent to winnie the poohs world)
vanitas s- oh man i lost i t oh well this should kill it (gets hrpone gun and dives under water and sees roxas shooting the hrpone at hi vantias- hey when your pure darkness your to cool to breath thats why im the most loved villeon in the kh series
vanitas- slaps terra how dare you hurt my child good monstro, how are we breathing or how are u guys breathing i have a mask