vanitas- hey its time for me to take kingdom hearts again ( summens kingdom hearts ) well now i just need ven to come here so i can merge with him and then xeonort will open a door to all worlds
van- go me and look what are little terra has become now sense mx was locked inside of him its beautiful roxas
vanitas= hes y mentor
vanitas - welll i here to fight those dam data blocks i was playing coded and they kept pissing me off they just kept coming (darkness dipears) oh well i get kingdom hearts tommorw. NO HEart- can some one help me(still in kingdom hearts in the dragen)
van- why do i get this erie feeling terra just said my name. oh what ever vanitas- hey terra aqua wat you guys up to
vanitas- yay ur all talk oh chuck chuck norris aooears makeing ecryone clone vanish and uses hi awasoem power to find the real zexion and nocks him out
vanitas- kill zexion time (makes clone of himself to) and hey i go a better idea warps him ven terra aqua xemnas zexion and roxas to the place were xemnas last battle is
well theiir vexion lexus saix marluxia and larxina
ultimet van- if anyone a master its me luxord- roxas me must stop van hes going to unleash the power of darkness on all worlds
vanitas- (see xack go after aqua) oh you made the wrong move romeo beaats him up and nockes him out
ultimete vanitas- how about you let me just shoot you and we call it even
yay sure hey you mind playing sum organization guys to if you could
(i acually heard that quote from fidel castro from black ops lol
vanitas s- why are you attacking me im trying to shoot them down (in kingdom hearts) vanitas- yes i feel it the power ( a dark orb abosrbs hhim and transports him back to the ground again now looking like vanitas setiment with darks pooring out of him) ultimit vanitas- i----got --the --power and no one start singing the song etheir
vanitas- oh yay ugh ou can atack eveyone that trys to get on the ship while i wait for ven to merge with him and while eveyone else trys to comvice saix not to jump off the alter of naught for the 33 time
vanitas- get some ven just get some vanitas setiment-w ait for me pulls out shotgen and trys to shoot them but to no avail
vanitas- no need for armer for me no hear- summens the giant nobody dragen and him and vanitas get on and start to fly tawords kingdom hearts
vanitas- hey i was chking no hear- attacks aqua with sourcer nobodies
vanitas- good cause now i shall kill u were you stand with the allmighty power of the power rangers!! (power rangers come out of the bushs and beat on sora and then dive back in the bushes) vanitas- ur no match for me and the power rangers mhwhahahahhahaha cough cough cough i need water water (throws up in his mask
been home sick past 2 days just hanggin around playing cod