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  1. Hiro ✩
    You got asked to prom?


    Yes, I'm going to be posting Mean Girls GIFs a lot today.
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Hiro ✩
    Why is there not a thread about Mean Girls yet?

    Thread by: Hiro ✩, Apr 30, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Hiro ✩
    Bring it on
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Hiro ✩
    I have the same habit as yoy, and all I can suggest is to keep your hands busy as much as you can, and you'll stop. Doodle, or type, or even just look through a book and flip pages. It's certainly helped me stop doing it as often as before.
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: Help with Life
  5. Hiro ✩
    I only suggested Kyle as Uzu because he did Kamina in Gurren Lagann, and he has the kind of cocky voice to him. Laura... Well okay, someone else could be a better choice. But to be fair, they have been pulling a lot of fresh vouces, as stated above, so perhaps some of those would work as well.
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 26, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. Hiro ✩
    @Androssi are you sure it wasn't an event Genesect?
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Hiro ✩




    "Life Fiber SynKronize!"




    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Hiro ✩
    I really don't see the issue. Samus is a much stronger character than half the males I see in video games at times.

    If she can't be strong unless she appears as a guy, then too ****ing bad, because if that's what you complain about...

    Samus is already stronger than you.
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Hiro ✩
    What is competitive Pokemon lol

    I can win with a casual team except I never do
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Hiro ✩
    I seriously love these guys, they're all great! Not into RvB though that's just me. RWBY kicks ass even if people need to stop going crazy with shipping characters, and I cannot wait for Volume 2 on July 4th. Based on the leaked opening I saw on tumblr, it's gonna be FABULOUS
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 24, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Hiro ✩
    Nothing But Whining
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 23, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Hiro ✩


    I legitimately think the RPers complaining about posts need to stop. They've been constantly told that they need to be patient, but they aren't being so. In all honesty, I personally wouldn't perk back until they settled because complaining constantly and acting like you and your group are the number one priority isn't the way to get things done, but that's just me.

    I get that some people aren't comfortable posting outside the arena to get to premium, and that's fine because I used to be like that, but beneath all the haters and really bad people that are on here, you may just meet someone great. Also, bear in mind RP posts didn't count back when the RP Arena was in its prime and people were typing much longer posts and had many more RPs that weren't locked, yet they got to premium just fine. In fact, I only ever made like 50 posts to get to premium in the RP arena, and they were over the course of a year. The rest was by overcoming my shyness and going elsewhere.

    And that is all I'll say on the subject, because I do not want people preaching to me about how stuff has changed or calling me a hater or whatever the norm is on here.
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 23, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Hiro ✩
    It's true. Gwen is better than MJ.
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Hiro ✩
    Lightning only made number one because she sezzy. I love the gal, but sometimes characters are just too hyped.
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Hiro ✩
    View attachment 38165
    View attachment 38163
    {♠} Mood: Confused {♠} Status: Alive {♠} Condition: Stable {♠}
    {♥} Ally list: N/A {♥}

    Mai awoke with a start. Something rang in her ears. It sounded like a demonic laugh. She couldn't figure out where it was coming from. All she knew was that it sent a shiver down her spine. It was just... unsettling. It appeared to echo in the room she was in. The young brunette's eyes scanned her location. It was a standard old classroom, nothing unusual or out of place there at all. Except... the windows appeared to be bolted shut. As if this was some sort of bomb shelter. "Well color me surprised," she muttered to herself. Truth be told, she wasn't all that worried about how she had gotten there. It was clear that this was Hope's Peak. She had seen a classroom identical to this one in the online tour. Or rather, almost identical. The one in the tour didn't have windows bolted shut.

    "Helloooooooooooo students!"

    Mai jumped. "Was zum Teufel!?" she cried out in German. "Wo zum Teufel ist diese Stimme her?" She looked around. No one was in the room. But then where the hell was the voice coming from? Mai's eyes widened slightly and she smacked her forehead with her palm. "Of course... An intercom!" The answer was so obvious, she must have still been groggy. She then noticed it wasn't an intercom, but rather a screen. "Or a screen..."

    "I am Monokuma, or Monobear, or Mono-senpai."


    "I'm BEAR-y pleased to meet you all!"

    Great. The bear made stupid puns. Just what she needed. "Fick dich, dummer Bär..." she cursed at the stupid bear.

    "We'll be having a meet & greet with yours truly in the cafeteria. Once you get there, I'll explain everything. Upupu, I can BEAR-ly contain my excitement. See you kids there!"

    Cafeteria? Mai's stomach started growling on cue as the monitor shut off. "Well, I am hungry. Wonder if they'll have finger food. Maybe I could ask someone to lay some out. After all, an actress of my caliber deserves only the best, especially if I am to give this school a good reputation." Mai nodded, adjusting her fake glasses. "Alright, time to go 'meet and greet' Mono-dweeb and get some food. Oh, and answers. But my natural needs are always first, of course."

    As Mai walked, she couldn't help but wonder what the other students would be like. There would probably be your stereotypical snobs in there. Perhaps some jocks too. Then of course, the bullies, the math geeks, the computer programmers, and... drama kids, maybe. Mai smiled at the thought. Her people. She could actually have some friends. Hopefully ones that didn't end up moving away.

    She soon came upon the cafeteria and entered, making sure to announce herself.
    "Grüsse, meine lieben Klassenkameraden!" she greeted her classmates in German, "Mai Kiyomi has arrived!"
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Hiro ✩

    klk done

    If you'll recall, Nui absorbed the Original Life Fiber and then she fused with Ragyo and Shinra Koketsu. That's why when Ragyo kissed the satelite it activated: because she and Shinra Koketsu had become one with the Life Fiber. Something tells me this was her ace in the hole and that's why it doesn't seem to affect her so much.

    Good to see you enjoyed it, though!
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Hiro ✩
    Profile Post Comment

    What's up with you, *****?

    What's up with you, *****?
    Profile Post Comment by Hiro ✩, Apr 19, 2014
  18. Hiro ✩
  19. Hiro ✩
  20. Hiro ✩

    But happy birthday Cat. The big 18!

    Go out and do adult **** c:
    Post by: Hiro ✩, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone