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  1. Hiro ✩
    There is a world beyond **** American adaptions fyi
    Post by: Hiro ✩, May 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Hiro ✩
    Super Sentai is better tbh

    Power Rangers is okay or a ****** adaption at best.
    Post by: Hiro ✩, May 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Hiro ✩
    We need to make this forum showy.

    No but for real, anyone wanna be the other four Gokaigers?
    Thread by: Hiro ✩, May 17, 2014, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Hiro ✩
    Profile Post

    "Gokai Change!"

    "Gokai Change!"
    Status Update by Hiro ✩, May 17, 2014
  5. Hiro ✩
    ~The Battle of Temporal Tower: Samurai Forever!~

    Looking at the battle happening right before their eyes, five teenagers with attitude pulled out cellphone like objects. The sixth, a young woman stood in the center, folding hers into something that resembled a paintbrush. They drew a different symbol each.

    The young woman in the center drew a red symbol. It was 火, the kanji for fire.

    The young woman on her left drew a pink symbol. It was 天, the kanji for sky.

    The young man on her right drew a green symbol. It was 森, the kanji for forest.

    The young man to the left of the pink one drew a blue 水, it was the kanji for water.

    To the right of the green was another young woman who drew a 土, the kanji for earth.

    And lastly, the young man to the right of the yellow drew a 光, the kanji for light.

    "Go go Samurai!" they yelled, spinning their backwards drawn kanji and making them face the right way with a strike of their Samurizers.
    "Samurai Red!" the Red Ranger called, a tornado of fire spinning around her and causing her to don a red costume with a black ninja-like mask on her face. Her kanji then formed her helmet, or more specifically, the visor part.

    "Samurai Pink!" called the Pink Ranger, wind around her summoning her costume.

    "Samurai Green!"

    "Samurai Blue!"

    "Samurai Yellow!"

    "Samurai Gold!"

    Their costumes summoned, they twirled their swords and struck a pose.​
    "Rangers together! Samurai forever!"
    They were... the Power Rangers Samurai.
    OOC: Laptop about to die and I don't have my charger, so I just wanted to introduce these guys and get that done.
    Post by: Hiro ✩, May 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Hiro ✩

    Lauren Shiba - Samurai Red (Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai)
    Kevin - Samurai Blue (Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai)
    Mia Watanabe - Samurai Pink (Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai)
    Mike - Samurai Green (Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai)
    Emily - Samurai Yellow (Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai)
    Antonio Garcia - Samurai Gold (Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai)
    Post by: Hiro ✩, May 16, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Hiro ✩
    Whenever Amaury tries to be cool by refuting a joke I just...


    I become an angry loli
    Post by: Hiro ✩, May 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Hiro ✩

    Emma Goodall-Megaforce Pink (Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce)
    Post by: Hiro ✩, May 14, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Hiro ✩
    I will say it looks a lot cleaner than your previous Nui render, so that's a plus. However, you missed the outline on the tails on her hair. It's meant to be black like the rest, the original image was just badly rendered.

    But that's just a technicality, otherwise I love it!
    Post by: Hiro ✩, May 13, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Hiro ✩
    Post by: Hiro ✩, May 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Hiro ✩
    >Implying we'll all choose favorites
    Post by: Hiro ✩, May 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Hiro ✩
  13. Hiro ✩
  14. Hiro ✩
    Profile Post Comment

    Umbreon. Crystal has Espeon.

    Umbreon. Crystal has Espeon.
    Profile Post Comment by Hiro ✩, May 13, 2014
  15. Hiro ✩
  16. Hiro ✩
  17. Hiro ✩
  18. Hiro ✩
    Zero- Creative license. I thought it could be a decent thing to give him, but since it's not as good as X's, he wouldn't use it much anyway. I can remove it if need be.

    May- Edited.

    Links- Fair enough.
    Post by: Hiro ✩, May 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Hiro ✩
    Name: Link
    Video Game Series: The Legend of Zelda
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: Hylian Shield, Master Sword, Bow and Arrow, Hookshot

    Name: May
    Video Game Series: Pokémon
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: May, a Pokémon Trainer, has a team of Blaziken, Absol, and Milotic.

    Name: Crystal
    Video Game Series: Pokémon
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: As a Pokémon Trainer, Crystal has her Meganium, Espeon, and the legendary Pokémon Suicune.

    Name: Cammy
    Video Game Series: Street Fighter (Specifically Super Street Fighter II on the SNES)
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: Cammy is a skilled martial artist, capable of taking on people that are quite larger than she is.

    Name: Zero
    Video Game Series: Megaman X
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: Zero comes with he Z-Blade and his Z-Buster. He can also copy abilities, though not as well as X can.

    Name: Silver
    Video Game Series: Pokémon
    Villain or Hero: Villain
    Abilities/Equipment: Silver is a Pokemon trainer. His team is Sneasel, Magneton, Crobat, Alakazam, Gengar, and Feraligatr. His Gengar can Mega Evolve with his Mega Ring.

    Also, are the other three Links allowed? I think it would be excellent to have the Links from Four Swords beside the normal Link since they do have roles in more than one game, but count as Link, technically. It's more of a curiousity than a suggestion, but yeah.
    Post by: Hiro ✩, May 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Hiro ✩
    I agree, and it's why I very rarely say something. Why should I say something unless I've been doing my part?

    In reality, everyone just needs to let stuff go (and yes, everyone means everyone) and just post in different areas if they dislike something.

    But meh, who am I to tell people to do something when they'd clearly rather complain incessantly or try to be funny to look like a cool kid? All I can do is focus on bettering myself.
    Post by: Hiro ✩, May 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone