View attachment 38742 Ah, mou! Can't you people do anything besides act like kids? View attachment 38743 Is that a Zangyack!? View attachment 38741 Gokai change! View attachment 38744 Gokai Yellow!
Most TV Shows bore me and I know I have them on Netflix so I can watch whenever and I'll just be able to do it at my own speed. Cable is stupid, and Netflix doesn't have ads, plus it has anime I like. I really don't see cable as being worth it, especially with Netflix + Hulu + CrunchyRoll + Amazon Instant It's also more choices than cable at a cheaper price than cable.
It's made no impact on me because I am neutral towards you. It's always good to see a familiar face, but we were never on great terms so I neither dislike your return nor think "yay he's back."
You best cover yourself Old members don't take kindly to people like you doing this to someone like Makaze.
Ah yes, KHV was much better when we all insulted each other because we could and didn't have any really punishment for both people being noobs and for people being *******s. We must complain until it goes back to that. Yeah, we sure showed the staff.
~Temporal Tower: Zords Combine!~ View attachment 38678 View attachment 38677 View attachment 38676 View attachment 38674 View attachment 38673 View attachment 38675 "Heroes of another world; hear my words! I am Zero! Commander of ZEXIS, the multi-dimensional force you see before you! Though such a proclamation may sound threatening or destructive, our alliance has only one goal in mind; For each and every one of us to be returned to the Earth we call home! This army we stand against now is the only thing preventing us from returning to our families and friends - The destruction of Temporal Tower will cause the distortion keeping us here to cease entirely! I extend to you a hand of allegiance! Join your strength with ours, and assist us in this final struggle we face, I implore you!" "Lauren, what do we do?" Mike asked, a hand on Emily's shoulder. He knew her really well, and she'd turn to join Zero if she could just to be able to see her sister again. "Whatever you decide, Lauren..." Emily started. "We're right behind you!" Mia stated. "We're loyal to you." Kevin reassured her. "And no matter what," Antonio said, "You'll always be my best amiga." Lauren looked at her team, then at her Lion Origami Zord. They were earth's defenders- the Samurai Rangers. She had a duty. And at the same time... she just wanted to see her little brother again. But saving the world and being heroes came first. "Zero, you have a deal." She knelt down and began drawing the Super Symbol on the space above the Lion Origami. "Lion Origami Zord!" The rest of the Samurai Rangers nodded and followed suit. "Bear Origami Zord!" "Turtle Origami Zord!" "Ape Orgami Zord!" "Dragon Origami Zord!" Antonio pulled out his Samuraizer and texted his Zord. [text: Octozord]Octo, time 2 fite[/text] "Mega Mode Power!" They all called, turning their blades into control sticks for the Zords by tossing them in the air. The Rangers then sprouted armor. "Zords Combine!" Lauren commanded. The Zords did so. The turtle became the right arm, the ape became the left, the bear the right leg, the dragon the left, and the lion became the body and head. The Samurai Megazord's helmet then appeared in its hands, and the Megazord strapped it on. Then, a sword materialized in a slot in the hips. Lastly, the rangers teleproted into the Megazord's shared cockpit while Antonio teleported into the Octozord's single cockpit. "Samurai Megazord, we are united!" "Let's do it, Octo!" View attachment 38671 View attachment 38672
Sorry about that, I was busy with moving to a new house, studying for finals, and I just got internet back today, so I'll reply as soon as I can!
Our pretty green reporter didn't post here though.
So guys How about that unbanning of someone Pretty cool right
Oh, it's Makaze. Welcome back. Takes guts to apologize the way you did, so good on you. This is Hero of Time by the way.
Reserving: Kaoru Shiba (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger) Mako Shiraishi (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger) Chiaki Tani (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger) Ryunosuke Ikenami (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger) Kotoha Hanaori (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger) Genta Umemori (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger)
Well, I'm currently into Gokaiger quite a bit, and Power Rangers overall, so lately I've been playing with ideas for a Power Rangers RP called Power Rangers: Super Megaforce Legends. It's basically the same plot as Gokaiger, but it involves a lot of different villains coming in from the past and stuff to stop the rangers. The current rangers would use the Super Megaforce/Gokaiger costumes and powers, but they'd be OCs. I would also be including veteran rangers at certain parts, and in the final battle. It's an idea, and I want to wait to see if there is any interest in it. I could use help figuring out ways to develop how the characters would come in and when so I don't have five people RPing with others coming in for a few pages and then leaving.
"Hey, you two!" said a girl with bright blue hair riding on a bright blue jaguar-like creature. She dismounted and helped her companion, a brunnette female, off the Pokemon. They went up to the two who were arguing. "Hey," she said, looking at the small fox near the girl with the red hat, "Is that a Pokémon? If so, is it yours or did you find it around here somewhere?" She tapped her foot impatiently. May walked up behind her and scratched her hair. "Oh, I'm May! I'm a Pokémon Trainer from the Hoenn region! This is Crystal, she's from Johto." Suicune walked up and stood loyally behind Crystal. The two girls had been wandering for a while, having Suicune carry them everywhere since it liked to run. Ocassionally, they'd run into some weird creatures, in which case Suicune's Blizzard attack was more than enough to make them move. Other times, May's Milotic would ferry them across a River or lake. Eventually, they had found these two. Silver eyes glanced up at the older red haired man. "Sure, why not? They're likely too weak to keep up with us." The young man pulled a Pokéball from his belt. "This one should do it. I'm ready when you are." OOC: My computer won't boot up, so I did this on my phone! I'll add more later.
Teen Titans - Robin,[5]Red X, Nightwing YOOOOOOOOOOO I can live with this.
I refuse to accept the fact that Adam, the second Black Mighty Morphin' Ranger, would voice Amaury. @hatok I would like a voice actor pls
What an exciting life you must lead.
Right. I've been busy with finals prep and other schoolwork overall, so I'll try to get to it sometime this weekend, if not on Tuesday.
Clearly you just aren't gonna listen so I'll just be on my merry way to talk to people who will, because they're genuinely not judging one show based on the other. Something you could learn to do. PS yes I understand it was a bad comparison with the SAO thing so you do have me there.
But it's not the same thing. That's like saying the SAO anime and light novels are the same thing- they aren't. If it were the same thing, Super Sentai would have a stupid plot of five teenagers with attitude saving the world over and over, which it doesn't. It goes deeper. So no, it's not the same thing. And they brought them back because it was the anniversary the year it came out, so after 35 years they celebrated like this.
Why hello, I am Captain Hector (just call me Hector since I change usernames so often). Based on your interests, I can tell we shall get along just fine. It's good to see a returning member, and I do hope you stay and enjoy your stay! If you need anything or just want to talk, feel free to hit me up.