I said or a couple, but we could do a few so we have something big
I think the extent of dirty jokes is how sexualized Mark Wahlberg's character's daughter is in it, which is admittedly not a lot. All the daddy issues aside though, the battles are fantastic and make it worth to watch.
Like just pick a day (or a couple) Pick a partner Pick a team And we have a few teams duke it out And post the codes for the Vs Recorder so everyone can watch it And have a couple judges that say "This person really did win" Then at the end we have the two remaining partners duke it out
I saw Age on Thursday. I enjoyed it a lot more than the other movies. To be honest I think I just had low expectations for the whole thing, and yet I had big expectations for the Dinobots. But I mean seriously Prime riding Grimlock is my favorite thing.
Goooooo naaaaaaaate_riiiiiiiiiverrrrrrrrr GO!
Big sis Dark where are you I miss you
If Nova can pull off Goldar from Power Rangers I'll vote for him. If not I'm going with Krowley.
How am I not on here I mean *points to name aggressively*
I saw that this thread had an update and words cannot describe my disappointment that it's just this :c
Swamped with work. If I have any RP Replies I will do them later when I can<3
~Temporal Tower: Wonderful 106~ View attachment 39029 View attachment 39028 View attachment 39030 "Boy, these little guys seem like they can sure help!" Emily said, noting the Wonderful Ones transforming. "You've got that right," Lauren nodded, "Either way, we have to focus!" The Rangers controlled the Samurai Megazord, causing it to slash at the enemies near them. They were no more difficult than Giant Moogers. Antonio, meanwhile, had the Octozord ram into them continuously, taking them down one by one. It wasn't long though before the Rangers found themselves cornered by various enemies. "Oh no!" Mia said, "Lauren, what'll we do?" Lauren thought for a brief moment. "...Antonio!" "I got ya, amiga! Octo, it's time to combine!" Antonio pulled on his sword and pressed a trigger, then pulled it out of the control slot. "Samurai Artillery! Octospear Megazord!" Lauren and Antonio called. Octo's main body detached from his tentacles, which formed a shield in the Megazord's left hand. Octo's main body extended and became a spear, attaching itself to the Megazord's right arm. Antonio's control panel appeared in the Megazord's cockpit, with Antonio teleporting in shortly after. "Fantastico!" He said. Before they could do anything else, more enemies started attacking them, continuously pushing the rangers back. "There's too many!" Mia cried out. "Lauren, what do we do?" Emily asked. "We need back up!" Mike said.
Reserving: Trent Mercer- White Dino Ranger (Power Rangers Dino Thunder)
Reserving: Prince Waruzu Giru-sama (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger) Insaan (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
And I shall be reserving: Insaan (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger) Jealoushitto (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
I prefer open nominations because then I can jokingly say "wow I can't believe I'm winning" and people won't use it as an excuse to try and make me feel bad for nominating myself.
I remember the general thread being KS thinking people can just get happy when they're depressed and then deciding "I'm going to be an ******* and then cry about it when people are mean to me"
Reserving: Jack Landors- SPD Ranger 1: Red (Power Rangers SPD) Schuyler "Sky" Tate- SPD Ranger 2: Blue (Power Rangers SPD) Bridge Carson- SPD Ranger 3: Green (Power Rangers SPD) Elizabeth "Z" Delgado- SPD Ranger 4: Yellow (Power Rangers SPD) Sydney "Syd" Drew- SPD Ranger 5: Pink (Power Rangers SPD) Dr. Katherine "Kat" Manx- SPD Cat Ranger (Power Rangers SPD)
Abandon all... Hope? Spoiler