Thank you very much, guys I really appreciate it. In response to your requests, here's Part 2! I put a lot of effort in these, just for you peeps :D I even got to the point of "complementing" some, if that's the correct term. I.e. they had, like, a single stanza or something. Part 2: IMMANENT MORPHOSES I - Torment in the World Heaven has a machine gun To shoot the Earth, called rain. But to heal her, rises the Sun, And the skies, once more, cry in vain. In this game, Earth sees only fun. While Heaven finds naught but pain. Having tried countless times, She's never won. After all, raindrops cannot stain. [Simple concepts, I luv u :3] __________________________________________________________________________II - A Beach Should your purpose drop to a sleep With no foreseeable end, You will find me, friend. And we'll make another promise to keep. So fret not, I'll give you a hand. For even when you're in waters so deep, I will be there. Waiting by the surf and the sand. [Yet another meh poem... Don't mind it.] __________________________________________________________________________III - The Unexpected Death of Time OR III - Momentaneous Gore and Madness I was about to die - Then, Time was buried instead. It stained everything in red. Not knowing what lied ahead, The sequence of events went on. Thus, disorder supremely spread. That dreadful scenery painted red... And I look back from now: How didn't I become mad? I should've been in his place, Lying inside the coffin, dead; For I brought his disgrace. Much better me than Saturn To have life and soul shred'. And until the end he did burn, Forever forgotten, bleeding red. [I believe this one is my best piece of trash work to date. There's a lulzy story behind its inspiration: I was putting my wristwatch away in a drawer, and I thought "I'm burying time!"] __________________________________________________________________________IV - Greater Grief I feel like crying But the tears won't drop. They don't want to 'Cause they are lonely too. Their sadness is greater then mine. Spare them - For they reside in a place Where light would once shine. [Quite old. It might be my oldest piece, actually] __________________________________________________________________________ - End of Part 2 - Now, since this was somewhat rushed, don't expect another part anytime soon... I'm all outta Imaginatium and Creativium.
OOC: Boy, did this take a while to plan out... "What a nice place this is... I bet it took a lot of effort to put all these fine pieces together", he thought, although he wasn't really there for the exhibit. Sure, art in general is very pleasant, but there was something else there for Felix. Something better, according to him. Recently, his local performances were getting a little repetitive, which caused a few people to stop attending to them. That got him a little down, so he looked around for a diversion. That's when he discovered this Gallery, quite a popular one. "Hey! There doesn't seem to be a better place to see a bunch of people enjoying themselves! I bet that will definitely reinvigorate me." And he couldn't have been righter. All of those smiles and laughter enclasped him like a christmas present wrapping, or a thick blanket on a chilly night. It was everything he needed. Well, that and a big, fat, greasy round of applause. From the moment he stepped in, Felix was already at his best, even though the smiles weren't because of him. He'd just enjoy the exhibition for the moment, pretending that they were.
Oh, man... I don't seem to recall what was it anymore. Can't even remember if it was a poem or a story, if it was in english or not. Sorry =/ But the oldest piece I can recall would be... Uhm... Twilit (, I believe, but you've already read it anyway. Oh, and kudos for starting an interactive discussion! I wasn't really thinking this would evolve...
Name: Felix Age: Sixteen Appearance: Colorful yellow & blue long sleeved shirt, simple bottoms. Shoulder-lengh hair with no fringe, something between light brown and dark blond. Besides that, I'd have the details and other stuff decided by you, since I couldn't find any pictures... Rose Color: Yellow Personality: Always excited and cheerful, Felix is a tireless friend. He can also be clumsy at times, despite his near-perfect dexterity at juggling and card magic. Moreover, the latter served as a way of polishing his sensibility, becoming very perceptive. Bio: This clown-esque figure took interest in the arts of entertainment while still very young, and worked very hard to master them. When confronted about his past, he simply remarks that "it's not a story that would put a smile on your face, you see". His main goal in life is to spread joy and laughter to all, or rather, "turn those downs upside frown!" Fears: Grief, melancholy, sorrow, anguish, and the like. Other: x---x---x Played By: Judge Sunrose
Aahhhhh..... A nice, warm literary coffee... Just what I needed for this chilly night. On to it, then: Why did you begin writing? I believe it was around a very sad period of my life. Heartbroken because of a silly crush, as I recall. And now, whenever I am struck by a spark of inspiration - which doesn't happen very often - my head starts piecing together ideas, words, et cetera. And no, I honestly do not see myself writing more seriously anytime soon. I merely treat it as some sort of a hobby, like you said. What motivates you to write? Where my motivation comes from? Let's see... It comes from nothing and nowhere. I think a more suitable expression would be "out of the blue", in the sense of producing/finding a reason to write on my own. Also, I don't write my poems for other people, much less for myself, oddly enough... And that's about it. Feel free to ask anything you like. Enjoy your hot beverages, estimated Beans. EDIT: Oh, and Chev, there seems to be a 'you' missing on the second question. :B
Thank you dear! Would you mind reserving a spot on the yellow for me? I can't exactly write my introductory post just yet. Perhaps later today or tomorrow.
Gosh, uhm, please excuse me here... This would be my first attempt at an RP. Is it still ok for me to try and enter it? I liked this concept very much, mainly due to the roses. (derp) Anyway, let's see how this turns out. :/
Hey, Rob! I was feeling somewhat in debt with you for your generous comments, so here are some equally helpful (I hope) interpolations: You have no idea how these particular lines struck a chord here, mate. The entirety of the poem is marvelous, nevertheless. I can see why this is one of your favorites. I really like the scene's description, the waves crashing and such. And you somehow managed to top that by comparing the lightning storms with her eyes, beautiful indeed. Hey, this isn't bad at all. It's got a really gentle and soothing flow, perhaps even gentler than a lullaby, I'd say. I believe there's more to this one than just dream-like identity. I see the entire matter of self identification - how one sees oneself, if you will - being brought up here. Great piece! Wow, this sounds just like an anthemn! Seriously though, I can easily picture people singing something like this. It really shows how powerful poetry can be.
Gosh, I... I'm terribly sorry for not answering your other message. It's just that, in most places, people from my country are known for their,...
Yep, Because this thread needed a lil' bump.
Just like the title doesn't say, these are the electronic transcriptions of the poems I've written. I am compiling them in my Commonplace Book (AKA The Blank Book), so I thought, why not share it? Just a head up, some of 'em contain KH references, be it only content or direct (sometimes even obvious rip-offs) ones. here goes a ton of overrating~ Part 1: ASPECTS OF THE HORIZON I - Twilit To love a memorized fake, Such a foolish path to take. Fulfilling the promises you make Demands every moment awake. A phantom promise can corrode One's heart and one's road. As the path becomes daft Darkness fills in what's left. There is always Light between meet and part Of a kind person with a kind heart, A hope once false from the very start. There is always sleep between part and meet With our usual words on the usual street. An answer comes whence Light and Dark greet. [See what I mean by 'rip-off'?] __________________________________________________________________________ II - Flowering Permanence Amidst the shadows in my heart, I find it hard to tell them apart - Where the heart ends And the shadows start. An ever-drowning oblivion. Salvation, the heart knows none, Though memories and bonds still thread. Should its state of yore be put in its stead, The feasting darkness would begone. Alas, the once invisible edge gives its place To a line no destiny can erase. A blooming horizon. [One of my favorites. The Blooming Horizon becomes, herein, a recurring motif] __________________________________________________________________________ III - Delusions Not a single day can go by Where we don't play the Fates' game. No matter how hard we may try, Our roles remain the same. Even though It has no escape, It is through Dreams That reality we may reshape. Destiny's pen frequently wrote Tragic stories of sad petals afloat. And yet I solely dream Of beautiful horizons in bloom. Still, unable to go against its plot, We play the Fates' jested game. Ultimately, our doom we'll refuse to claim. [A bad poem's not the end of the world, right...?] __________________________________________________________________________ IV - Love and Seashells Bright as the sun shining red, Deep as the surf's wavering bed. Vast as the horizon's dawning light, Amorphous as the clouds' skyward flight. Infinite as the stars and above, Endless as the late hours of dark. There is no place in my heart for love. As it houses but only Crested seashells never lonely. [I tried not to rhyme on this one. Couldn't resist the temptation, though...] __________________________________________________________________________ V - Doubt, Future and Purpose The first part of this poem Was lost, much like its purpose. Half of it drowned. The other half fell to death. Maybe I'll find it, maybe not. But the poem goes on - Cast into high sea, Tossed across gray skies, Left to sink or float. Darting past the clouds.What becomes of me? Will I fall or will I fly? Regardless; what makes me shine Is the resolute, daybreaking line. [...Success! Also, the 2nd and 3rd stanzas can be read in any order, not that it'd change much...] __________________________________________________________________________ VI - Shallowly Natural The horizon works like a natural shroud, Stopping the waves from crashing into a cloud. [First couplet, kinda childish] __________________________________________________________________________ VII - Despair vs Geometrical Hope They say that with two dots you make a line. But during the darkest nightmares of mine, When all shining shells and hopes appear gone, You two embody the stars From which my horizon is drawn. [Gosh, downhill much? D:> ] __________________________________________________________________________ - End of Part 1 - I have some other pieces, but I'd still need to put together a few more to make a solid "Part 2". Would you even like to see one? I'll stop if you want me to So, what do you think? Or rather, CnC if possible... By the way, I'm not a native english speaker, so come at me full power, you grammar nazis! Oh, and if you happen to be from the Literate Beans too, hiya~!
View attachment 32237 Hell yeah. I mean, to get a confirmation of what I already knew from a website? Pffft, I rigged it... Oh, wait. I didn't~
Since I don't write stories, much less big ones, it's either pen 'n' paper or Facebook Messages. Oh, and I never do drafts, I don't trust them. (Silly me...) Long live my spontaneousness~! In fact, I hate, hate, haaate using Word. I've done so much boring schoolwork I get somewhat unnerved when using it. Hah, I guess that's a pretty ridiculous thing to post in here. :b Hey Misty!
Username: Judge Sunrose Family Member/Title: The Horizon Watcher (or something like that) Personality: Uhm, I've always been a shy person, ever since I recall, but socially, this doesn't seem to be the case. I like thinking a lot with myself, that I can assure you. Most people find me weird for, what, thinking in odd ways I suppose? Perhaps because I don't fall into the common sense? Nah, maybe I'm just old-fashioned... Literary Arts Specialty: Verse, yes. Prose, not really. I write some poems, though I'm more of a lazy/intermittent writer. Other than that, when talking about technical aspects of the language, Etymology catches my interest, as I tend to use, not only in poetry, the words' original meaning as well as their current one. Additionally, I'm a wannabe grammarian, always correcting my friends and teachers. I'm quite surprised no one's ever punched me for doing that repeatedly... Oh, forgot to mention, english is not my first language, so do bear with me, alright? Anything else you'd like to share?: Not here for the "earn post count", seriously. I've been meaning to participate in the PanS ever since I joined (what happened, anyway?). Also, some of my work is either inlfuenced by, or has something from KIngdom Hearts. "Make your own stuff up, newb!"
Not really. I don't live in the northern hemisphere, school years here go from Feb through Nov/Dec - a bit more logical, no? Just kidding. I wish...
Nothing at all, I just finished playing through AC2. Now I've nothing else to do for the entire weekend... Real exciting I tell ya .-.
Bored... Other than that, I'm fine. And you? P:
Hello Mister Turtle, I newbily welcome you! So, these are my five rules of thumb for you to know when getting started: I - Read the rules. II - Have fun. III - I forgot. Damn it! IV - V - No, wait, there is no IV... That's it. Show's over. Good luck, man.
Been there, done that. I somehow thought that the requirement for that pin was "get a Top Score in 2 games" instead of one. So I tried most of...
To tell you the truth, I only had to play a game in the Arcade about... ten times tops, I believe. Really, Top-Scoring on Star Wars Saber Whack...