I see you guys can't make it to 50 without me, huh? In that case, I'll help y'all! B:< Beryllium~
For some reason, Spoiler Then I clicked the spoiler and said "yeah...... no".
Wait, your name's not there?!?! Check again! (seriously, I just forgot to metion you and Hayabusa...) Nice profile picture btw...
'Oh no! The newb is trying to post here, whaddowe do?' No, seriously, there are a few I'd like to know more about, and that's my fellow bean counters! Basically, anyone who helped me count to 57 in interesting ways. There are some I'd point out, like: Mixt - Hello my favorite binary calculator! KH2man13 - First to 49. strfruit - Sticked to it the longest. Midnight Star - Y u no approve my counting. Snowy John - "Hint: It's not me." ~Acy_XIII~ - We sticked it to the mods nicely... Also because of the Joshua theme and the 7-posts newbness. phoenixkh93 - For thinking we couldn't get to 300. Sorry, I don't take whimps... Hayabusa - GTZ, only Prem here. You can thank your "pokémon = numbers" for that. (Sorry Prems! Your pinkness is uninteresting) Maybe someday I'll learn not to post crap G___<
I don't see enough bean counters over here! B:< wakey wakey~ 3
Good morning, fellow bean counters! Ready to rock one more time?
/bored five
Slackin' much, Plums? TWO much...
A five here, a seven there, Whurr them mods at, huh?!
Sol Onnox... Kewl :L
We did it... TO TEH HUNDREDS! 52
Forty-nine BRING IT!