I am!! only on mondays wednesdays and Fridays though.
K good don't scare me like that lol
Awww man it can't die I just joined....
OH NO I'VE BEEN SPOTTED! O_O *Runs Back to Hueco Mundo*
After 3 months of compulsively watching Bleach I'm finally caught up to the live showing of the English Dub, so now the problem is I need something new to watch. Some of my friends suggested Death Note or Souleater what do you guys suggest?
I like the podcast they do here on KH-Vids, its the only one I reely follow
You're quite the poet
Hmm... Never tried that. Probably cuz I don't use drive forms that much but I'm pretty sure you can't use drive forms in worlds where sora switches forms.
woah what kind of codes are these? boss codes? or somethin else
the Diary of a whimpy Kid series!!
Sometimes I'll read reeely boring school assigned books in order to fall asleep. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, depends on what I'm reading.
hahahaha this was great lol I think my favorite song was probably Gumshoe's.... or larry butz they were all so good it's hard to choose xD
I'd say the last form of Xehanort when you have to battle him with Terra's body takes the cake. That boss is crazy hard cuz he has unblockable attacks like when he shoots fireballs from the sky O_o
Omg it's a chao!! XD It reminds me of Sonic Adventure 2 Battle that game was the best.... Very well drawn btw especially the devil chao
Sorry for your loss... Death can be a very hard thing to deal with. Both you and your family will be in my prayers
For me it's Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. I've played that game countless times and memorized the entire storyline and like every dungeon. I must've burned a good 300 hours on that game as a kid lol
I only download movies for amv purposes usually or if they're reeeely hard to find and/or not made anymore. Like old digimon or yu yu hakusho movies that were produced on VHS in like 2002 that you can't find anywhere except for the internet.
Xemnas looks a lot more badass than xehanort's heartless in my opinion and I had a lot more fun fighting Xemnas as well so i'd say he's cooler
growing up as a kid i only had nintendo systems so i always thought gameboys and gamecubes were pretty cool, but when i got older and the wii came out I lost some respect for nintendo. The Wii just never had very many good games in my opinion unlike the gamecube and gameboy which had tons of great games. So I'd say nintendo has definetely gone down hill, unless they can make a come back with the 3DS
Swing Life Away by Rise Against.... I wish they would make more acoustic songs like this they're amazing :DDDD