This thread kinda makes me wanna cry.
I see what you mean I just found it: •Please avoid making your posts overly sexual, this includes avoiding the use of overly graphic images and text. -Misty
Great, just what the world needs more earthquakes... First Japan, now Spain, who's next?
Call me sick, but I kinda wanna see a picture. Just so I know what it looks like.
I'm pretty sure this breaks some rule....
Wow... I must be reely slow, I never caught that either. Probably cuz I don't pay attention to the background enough when I play games :P
My snuggy is the same way! I think the problem is that the material it's made out of is too thin. It doesn't trap any heat.... Damn commercials lied to me
Damn... you're right they do look like flying penises O_o There goes my innocence. Great, now I'm ****ed up for life... Thanks a lot P, now I'll probably grow up to be a serial killer
I'd prefer it if you colored it first and then made it into a sig. As long as that's not too much to ask.
I like Red
What's the point of saying goshdamnit, and not goddamnit? You're still swearing either way, you might as well go all the way with it. Sorry I don't know why I posted this, it just bothered me lol.
Yea It's from season 1, if you could find the original scan that would be nice. Or if you find a cooler picture of tsukune in ghoul form that would work also.
Hey Wolfie! Could you make me a Sig with Tsukune from Rosario Vampire? Size: 400x120 Image: Either this one: or this one:*UI25quihz4fKeRJ2J4/TsukuneGhoul2.jpg (Except without the words) They're both pretty much the same pic but with different color schemes. Pick which ever one you think would work best. Text: Orlando Font: idk just make it scary and look like it was written in blood Color scheme: Red and black would probably work best but you can decide. Border: doesn't matter, make one if you want.
The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars
O you poor soul.... How long do you have to have them on for?
Age: 17 Sex: Male 1. What do you like to have for breakfast? Cereal, sometimes eggo waffles. 2. What do you like to have for dinner? Cafeteria food (e.g. pizza) or if I bring a sacklunch I'll eat a PBJ sandwhich 3. What do you like to have for Supper? (Evening meal) Spaghetti, pasta things, bratwurst and grilled food in the summer time. Soup in the winter time. 4. How often do you eat fastfood? once a week 5. Do you drink (soda)pop often? If so, how often? twice to three times a week. 6. Do you often snack? YES I usually come home and pig out after track practice on chips and stuff.
Wats up Gabr? you been causing havoc on the forum like usual? lol
Yea I know how you feel. I was gonna go to the midnight showing on the day it comes out but all the tickets are already sold out at the movie theater near my house :/
So the new Pirates movie is coming out May 20th! It's been quite awhile since the third movie was released, so I'm pretty excited to see it :) Any other hardcore Pirates fans pumped for the new movie?
Hi Jayn :) I have a kind of special request. Seeing as you're an amazing graphic artist, I was wondering if you could make a skin for my friend's website. I know it's not what you usually do, so don't feel obligated to say yes, you don't have to if you don't want to. But it would be greatly appreciated :) If you decide to accept then just PM me or post in this thread and I'll give you the demensions, colors, images and all that other good stuff. Thanks a bunch! -Orlando