Ugh... when will it go away? x-x
It's so annoying. The ideas are in your head, but you can't get them out.
Yeah. Not bad. ^^ I want to roleplay, but i'm having serious Writer's Block.
I got up at 11am and was tired as hell, but I stayed awake for an hour and slept until 5:30. xD
I'm alright. ^^ Slept all day. You?
My characters are already put down, but I should post anyway to make it official. ^^
Right now. ^^
OOC: Accepted.
Perfect. ^^ And yay~ my name is colored~!
The bulky ones? I gtg. Been nice talking to you for 12 hours straight. xD
It has wifi. :3
xD My DSi can't read special text. It shows boxes.
xD Interesting way to pick.
Yup. ^^ Could I play Xemnas and Xigbar?
And no. OCs do not really fit into this roleplay.
You probably should. I'm on my DSi and it'll take me 10 years to post it.
No problem. ^^ See any more holes?
Didn't you say, no magic?
Yes! And they need to get Sora's keyblade to unlock the magic lock. ^^ Sound good?
Yes! Now we need a clear objective. Something to work for.