I can't really pick a favorite. xD
Heard of Disturbed?
No idea. I don't see why they aren't as popular as most members. Lack of screen time perhaps?
I like some Metal, Hard Rock, Soundtrack, Hip Hop... that's about it. You?
I think I will in a little bit.
It's called sadist. Control, C. Then Control, P.
xDDD So... i'm tired.
I don't think you and I are talking about the same brand of cruel. xD I like watching my enemies suffer and I will often do things to make them...
Hai Skittles. *Hug*
I'm actually kind of a cruel person. Especially when i'm angry. I'm nice to a few people though.
"Yeah... well, next time, Marluxia is going to face me himself. He's not going to hide behind his lessers." Phenox cracked his neck. "Yeah... that'll be fun.."
xD Odd. I mostly think about fantasy and war roleplays.
Caffine does weird things to me. xD
Xemnas shook his head and closed his eyes. "No. You're free to go." He said. Xemnas slowly opened his eyes, the amber orbs scanned the room. Xemnas felt like he and Saix were being watched. Could this just be paranoia?
Indeed it is. xD
They add a bit of zest into your everyday speech. xD
"I spent a few days to find out exactly where Marluxia was hiding. He has a secret room built into the cave. Apparently, he knew I was coming. The coward locked the door and sent his Nobodies to do the dirty work. I sensed that you got hurt while I was fighting. The Nobodies took advantage of that and piled on top of me." Phenox explained.
And I accept that. ^^
Gud indeed. xD I love crazy words.
Xemnas nodded. "That would be difficult... but maybe not impossible..." Xemnas thought for a minute. "No. Never mind. Forget I said anything." He leaned against the wall. "Just watch out for any suspicious activity... from the members and the cat people."