Agent 47: CompanyKiller123 Riku: i_luv_cheese Those are the usernames i'll use. xD Is it okay if I type differently to suit the character?
I'll be Agent 47 from Hitman and MAYBE Riku from Kingdom Hearts. Question? Is the chatroom a text chatroom?
You may be right. xD Can't wait for you to post it. I know exactly who i'm gonna play. ^^
Yeah, I like it.
It's 5am and i'm beat. xD I dun wanna go to bed though. And I like the roleplay you sent me.
Maybe. ^^ It makes it look nice.
Yeah? I don't really add coding too much. xD
xD Okay .
That's my favorite too. xD
It was good. Not my favorite MGS game, but it was good.
Guns of the Patriots? I had that.
I'm more of a PS3 guy. xD
I love Assassin's Creed and Prototype.
My girlfriend likes that game. xD
Yeah, i'm big into online gaming.
Ohh... i've heard of that.
It's a really nice game. I enjoyed it.
I played Dirge of Cerberus and the song at the beginning was the first I heard from them.
Redemption is my favorite.
Oh yeah. I like Gackt.