What is your opinion of me? Truth Truth or dare?
Sokka. Same question to you. Truth^ Truth or dare?
I've only seen Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle, and I can't really say I see myself in any of the characters from those movies. Sorry :/ Truth. Truth or dare?
I actually killed Long Gui and Yomi WAY before I got even close to maxing. They're really pretty easy once you have a basic strategy.
I'm now realizing how tough of a question that is myself. And this is going to seem lame but I basically have to steal yours, it's what I had in mind when I thought of the question. But I will give one, exactly 140 characters: ...And yep, still not happy with it. Next truth: Antarctica was just suddenly made inhabitable. You are put in charge of it. You are the supreme overlord, you have unlimited power there- you can do anything except give up your throne. You can choose what people are allowed to come. Is there any type of person you would not allow there? How would you make the government? Rainbow: Truth Truth or dare?
Yep, my characters are almost maxed and she'll flat out kill anyone who isn't a Sentinel with Protect on with that move. I've found that the best way to kill her is to just ignore the monsters she summons and go straight for her, and Tortoise when she ult-attacks
Erotic literature. So my life could be sexy. But in seriousness: Science fiction. I want to live in the future. Your truth: You can type a phrase that's 140 characters or less. This message will be broadcast to every living being in the world, including those who speak other languages, it will be translated to them. What phrase do you choose? Why? Truth. Truth or dare?
Well, I think the desire for *all* knowledge is an interesting thing in and of itself, because most people including myself would admit that there are things they'd rather not know about. To that end yes, I would say that's interesting. Truth: Same question Tummer asked me. Truth. Truth or dare?
Jihl was released yesterday. Pretty interesting fight, still haven't captured her damn crystal
YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD I have not been this happy in so long. I'm totally having an Avatar party with my friends.
Um...Gosh, that's a hard one. There really isn't anything interesting enough about my life to be made into an anime...I'm just going to go with the boring answer here because I can't really think of anything: "The life and times of [My real name]" Same question to you. Truth. Truth or dare?
Spoiler How's that? Your truth: You can choose one male fictional character to be your roomate for a year. Who is it? Truth. Truth or dare?
Tummer: Spoiler /istoolazytorotateit Makaze: Will do, but now now. I'm at the library at school, so I'll sing a song tomorrow (When I get home it's going to be bedtime). Your truth: What do you consider the most interesting thing about yourself? Truth. Truth or dare?
I dare you to use this as your avatar for a week. Dare. Truth or dare?
Mish: What is your opinion on this Kony phenomena? Truth. Truth or dare?
I wish Wolfie were here to fangasm with me :(
My stepmother isn't related to me at all so nothing I said implies that I am part dog. If anything I implied that my father is into bestiality. I'll take another dare. Truth or dare?
Oh she's real all right, my stepmother. She's a horrible bitсh. Same to you. ^Truth