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  1. Always Dance
    Attention KHV:

    Post by: Always Dance, Mar 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Always Dance
  3. Always Dance
  4. Always Dance
    Holy crap, I completely forgot that me and my friend were thinking about cosplaying Mako and Bolin for Comic Con.

    Post by: Always Dance, Mar 23, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Always Dance
    That was beautiful.

    I just can't believe it's been ten years. It's inconceivable. I feel so old.
    Post by: Always Dance, Mar 23, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Always Dance
    Holy crap. My heart hurts. Why did they do this?!?!

    I think I need to go and die like a cat now. I can't handle this.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 23, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Always Dance
    Profile Post

    Yeah, no...

    Yeah, no...
    Profile Post by Always Dance for Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta, Mar 22, 2012
  8. Always Dance
  9. Always Dance
    Profile Post

    Jayn, y u no answer me

    Jayn, y u no answer me
    Profile Post by Always Dance for Jayn, Mar 22, 2012
  10. Always Dance
    Stuff on 2ch stays alive for days, if it was posted on 2ch the day this was posted here, it would still be alive. Someone would have seen it and we would have seen something about. We haven't. No screenshot, nothing. Furthermore, if somebody actually got a hold of the game and was posting spoilers of it on 2ch, they would have still been posting now and would have been supplying screenshots. That's how these things work, I've seen it tons of times
  11. Always Dance
    Yotsuba B is the default for /v/, which is where this was probably posted.

    The point is, if this was real, it would have been on 2ch first, and someone would have brought it up. Whatever board this was, it wasn't 2ch.
  12. Always Dance
    2ch? Sure. 4Chan? ABSOLUTELY NOT. This would have gone to 2ch first, and we saw nothing. 2ch always gets the leaks first. We already know this is crap because of
    This invalidates the entire thing already because Nomura already confirmed that you only fight with Dream Eaters. We can stop this pointlessness now.
  13. Always Dance
    ULTROS! YES! Do you have any screenshots?
    Post by: Always Dance, Mar 20, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  14. Always Dance
    I only did that because I wanted to move the laptop at points to try to get everyone in the video (Sort of failed horribly, I know)
    Post by: Always Dance, Mar 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Always Dance
    I just thought I should upload this in case any of you are having a bad day...this was recorded on Saturday and I still can't not laugh when I watch it.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 20, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Always Dance

    Participating for: ALL THE THINGS
    Absolutely Cannot Sing: Rap, anything with really high notes (Unless it's screamo)
    Anything Else: I'm looking forward to this :3
    Post by: Always Dance, Mar 20, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  17. Always Dance
  18. Always Dance
  19. Always Dance
    Computer Science!
    Post by: Always Dance, Mar 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Always Dance


    I was freaking out, because apparently their transfer acceptance rate is only 45%, and they were the only school I applied to. But I got in! And I apparently qualify for a dickload of financial aid!


    I'm so excited. This is the start of a new chapter of my life. I've grown to hate my community college so much, I seriously can't wait for this.

    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 18, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone