Meh, I disagree. I mean, do we see millions of people rallying because creation isn't taught in public schools? No, because we recognize that church and state are separated, I think splitting marriage from law would just be an enforcement of that, and I think most Christians with half a brain would support it. I mean, people don't realize it but separation of church and state was originally instituted to prevent the state from corrupting the church, not the other way around. And that state's involvement in marriage basically has corrupted it. Seriously, look at how corrupt a system marriage is.
That's not the issue, the issue is the tax benefits associated with marriage. Nothing is stopping gay people from making an ultimate alliance to one another, but they are being denied the same rights as married couples. They are not denied these rights in California if they get a domestic partnership, I believe it should be the same way everywhere else too.
Okay...well, this thread is completely hypothetical anyway. Hypothetically, they should erase it from the law. It might never happen, but that would be the right thing to do. Edit- Mako, I do not believe erasing marriage from the law would be a big deal if an alternative that gave the same rights was offered.
Daxa, sometimes I worry about you...SOMETIMES I WORRY A LOT.
I reject this. Marriage is a religious institution and should not be associated with the law. It should not be a legal right to get married at all.
Thank you, Makaze, for saying what I have been trying to say the entire thread. I believe that the best solution to this would be to implement both of your solutions. First, erase all connection between marriage and law. Frankly, I don't see how the current marriage system doesn't violate separation of church and state. Then, set up a new secular system like the California Domestic Partnership system (Which is exclusively for homosexuals and gives the exact same rights and benefits that a marriage does now), but make it for all sexual orientations. That way Christians can get married and then get their legal partnership, completely separately, and gays can just get their partnership. All married couples now can just apply for a partnership, and continue with their lives. Everyone wins!
Thanks, tale wind! Awesome. So I think we can confirm from this image that Sora doesn't lose his keyblade, just that he failed the Mastery test. I also lol'd harder than I should have at "Sora doesn’t give a ****. He’ll just go to Keyblade Summer School!". Lea's keyblade looks pretty badass. I can't wait to see the secret ending. And Ven is free! The plot thickens.
I thought I'd make this just in case anyone is curious about the features/gameplay of 3D but don't want the story spoiled. So here's a list of some cool stuff about 3D: -Beginner, Standard, and Proud Mode are included, Critical mode is unlocked after beating Proud Mode. -Battle gameplay is essentially identical to Birth By Sleep, aside from the jumping/free mode thing -While playing as Sora or Riku the "Drop" meter is always decreasing, and once it hits zero you transfer over to the other character no matter what you're doing. This looks like it's kind of frustrating, a live stream shows Sora fighting a boss and his drop gauge hitting zero. He switches over to Riku and when he switches back to Sora later, he has to start that boss over again. -Also, you seem to be able to manually switch characters whenever you want to at a save point. -It seems that doing well in battle earns you DP, which I'm guessing is "Drop Points". While "Dropping" (Switching from one character to another), you can spend your Drop Points on rewards, I'm guessing they're skills or items. -There's a theater mode and a "Memoir Mode" which contains info from previous games -You can unlock keyblades just like in previous games -You "Dive" into different worlds when you visit them the first time and it's basically this game's Gummi Ship sequence. Some bosses are fought during these sequences. -You have dodge roll and you can also do an air glide-dodge similar to BBS. I'm watching the live streams and will update this thread with any other significant gameplay features I see.
It means that it's a Nightmare (A kind of Dream Eater) that's taken the form of Ventus's armor.
That picture was taken five minutes ago and we all know it. (Also, that's exactly how I used to smile at that age. I think I might have to upload a picture now)
No videos yet but several different players have come forward and confirmed the information about the ending. Also, there is an official boss list from V-Jump and neither Joshua or Sora is on it, so yeah, invalidated.
Yeah, it's pretty underwhelming. But, Mike, this is actually just the plain old regular ending, not the secret ending, someone should change the title. I didn't get the impression of Sora losing his keyblade either, but it makes sense if Ventus leaves him since Ventus was the only reason he could wield it anyway.
Absolutely ridiculous. Isn't it illegal to ask for race, age, religion, and sexual orientation? Well Facebook gives all those things, so how is that legal to ask?
Sabby, I see a severe lack of "Deal With It"
Wow, I have never hated Sony more than I do at this moment. And that is saying a lot.
Confirmed fake, this thread can be locked :X
Weapon: Scythe Class: Sorcerer Ability: Blink
Here's a less awkward translation from KH13: Also, newly confirmed, Critical Mode is unlockable after beating Proud Mode! YES!
WAIT HOLD THE PHONE FOR ONE SECOND Sora loses his Keyblade? I don't see that mentioned, what are you talking about? Not being made a Master doesn't mean you lose your Keyblade, look at Aqua and Terra.
Source is 2ch, so I think this is legit. And if, is all I can really say. I can say I predicted Sora not becoming a keyblade master, but going on a journey on his own kind of surprises me. And Lea is a Keyblade wielder now? Whaaaa? I need to get my hands on this game :V