Uh, actually, I haven't ignored that, I've been talking about it for the entire thread if you'd go back and read. To repeat myself, marriage should not be involved in the state at all, I find that stupid. Marriage is both in religious and state interests, and that's where the problem is. I guess I should have made this clear just in case I haven't been: I do not believe it is right to deny gay people the rights and privileges that marriage gives. But I also do not believe it is right to change the rules of our religion to give that to them. Again, it should be like in California where you can get a domestic partnership to get the exact same rights as marriage. What, and I automatically have to be okay with that? If it became a cultural thing to burn Bibles, should I just accept it because that's culture now? No, I have my beliefs and no amount of culture is going to change it. I agree with you on the first point, but would reverse your last one: a legally binding contract by the state should not be tied to a religious institution like marriage.
No, I didn't see that. Freaking Nomura, why can't some things just be simple? Ugh...
You are literally ignoring everything we've been saying in this thread. Marriage is a religious institution, a promise made under the God of the Bible. And it simply does not condone homosexual marriage. Asking why it's wrong for gays to get married is like asking why it's wrong for non-Jews to have bar mitzvahs. That's a different belief system, we don't fit into it. It would be wrong to compromise the Jewish faith, why should they have to change their beliefs to accommodate us? And why would we want to barge into their system anyway? As for those three questions, they're non-sequitur, literally completely irrelevant to the argument. It's like saying "Is gay marriage harmful the the environment? No, so it should be allowed!"
Well...he DOES time travel during his BBS battle, doesn't he? ...Nah...There's no way Nomura would make KH's already insane plot that much more complicated with time travel. It was probably just a non-canon preview, like Xemnas in KHFM or Terra in KH2FM
She's currently being trained by Yen Sid and Mickey. That's probably what Reconnect will be about.
Goddammit Jad. Just...Ugh.
Interesting, so the seven lights refer to both the princesses and the 7 keyblade wielders who will face Xehanort. It's clear from the end that Xehanort is still using Terra's body, so Terra can't help us. The 7 lights, then, will be Sora, Riku, Kairi, Aqua, Ventus, Mickey, and Lea. That's going to be a really interesting game. Nomura said that any game with a number on it will have Sora as a playable character, so there's probably going to be a side game where Sora, Kairi, Ven, and Lea officially become masters, then we go fight Xehanort in III.
I know, I'm a slowpoke, but I need to talk about it. The movie was great, definitely the best movie I've seen this year, and it was pretty close to the book, but as a proper nerd and Ravenclaw, I need to rant about the differences. Spoiler -Pretty much the entire beginning was shortened and cut, I didn't like that. What bothered me the most was the change of how Katniss got the mockingjay pin, that actually pissed me off. -They really butchered the Peeta and loaf of bread scene. -Prim's actress was seriously terrible. -It bothers me that Rue is black. And I know that sounds racist, but that's not my issue, my issue is that it was a really important point that Rue looked like Prim, and she didn't. Also, I think Cinna being black worked out pretty well. So I'm not racist. -They cut out the part where District 11 sent Katniss the bread and that was a really sweet moment, that bothered me. -They didn't really portray Katniss's rebellion to the Capitol after Rue's death, and that pissed me off because it was really important. -They didn't show that Katniss didn't actually love Peeta, even at the end. That was also really important. -The dogs! They completely ruined that! I mean, I guess that might have affected the PG-13 ratings, but come on! That was for me THE SCENE that showed how completely effed up the Capitol really is. -Not really a change, but I really think Peeta and Gale's actors should have been switched. -On the subject of actors, Foxface really should have had a fox face. -They didn't really show the Katniss being deaf in one ear thing, which kind of bothered me And that's all I can really rant about right now, even though there's probably more I could think of but I need to go to bed :V Movie was still excellent though, really glad I saw it. Oh and Effie Trinket was absolutely perfect, best casting choice ever.
Sadly this is an April Fool's joke. I really wish it would come back, this is kind of a punch in the gut.
I liked Katniss. She basically had to put her personality on hold to keep her family alive. I find it strange that you say that it's a shock that her mother didn't kick her out, because her mother needs Katniss to survive. Katniss sacrificed everything to keep her family alive, and I find that her actions speak more about her personality than her words. I find it appalling that you say it was out of character for her to volunteer for Prim, when everything she did was to keep her alive.
Wow, that's horrible. I could never stand that! When I start reading a book, I hate to stop for any reason, I pretty much never do unless I need...
No, his body was being used by Xehanort, then by Xemnas, who we killed. So...yeah, I'm pretty sure he's just dead. And Mickey is on that list, read it again >_> @Mako: That's an interesting point...
So, I want to talk about just what Xehanort meant when he said "Seven lights, thirteen darknesses, you will face each other in that world". So who are they? The 7 lights could refer to the 7 princesses of light, though I highly doubt that since they haven't been so much as mentioned since 1. It could mean the seven keyblade wielders: Sora, Riku, Mickey, Ven, Aqua, Kairi, and Lea. (Not counting Terra because I'm pretty sure he's dead at this point, right?). But the thirteen darknesses, who are they? Is it possible that all 13 of the Organization has returned? Even if that's true, it's only 11 darknesses because Lea is a good guy and Roxas is in Sora now. So who are the other two? Is Vanitas one of them, maybe? Discuss!
Yeah frankly I'm surprised that I didn't wake up freaking out, because I despise clowns as well. And its clown form was horribly disfigured, its...
Yes, it's very obviously the same thing...but the significance of this, I can't be sure. It could possibly be Vanitas, because Vanitas does sort of exist in Sora, right?
Yup, it's Young Xehanort. How he ended up in BBS, I have no idea. Maybe it has something to do with his ability to time travel. Or maybe he's just a "Lingering" spirit of Young Xehanort like the Vanitas Lingering Spirit.
I was really hoping for a human. For some reason I really like fighting humanoid bosses in KH. But this looks like it'll be fun anyways, looking forward to getting no damage on level 1 critical mode :D
Yep, I've watched a live stream and these are just things that lead up to the ending. Maybe he means "Multiple ending sequences"
Nothing at all, I just wanted to make an IT reference :P Which it's funny that I did that yesterday, because I had an insanely awesome IT dream...