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  1. Always Dance
  2. Always Dance
  3. Always Dance
  4. Always Dance
  5. Always Dance
    God damn, I cannot believe I didn't see this thread. I really wanted to be in this one. I'm literally angry with rage.
    Post by: Always Dance, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  6. Always Dance
  7. Always Dance
  8. Always Dance
  9. Always Dance
    Did anyone else log in this morning, audibly curse because they didn't get a PM asking for an interview, and then breathe a sigh of relief when it turned out there was an extra day?
    Post by: Always Dance, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. Always Dance
    That was great. I love this song so much, I love it even more now.
    Post by: Always Dance, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  11. Always Dance
    As an American, I really think the Europeans should get something first for once. I feel bad for you guys! But at least you don't have it as bad as the Australians, those guys seriously get screwed over. I'm sure the release dates will be pretty close though. Thanks for the news.
    Post by: Always Dance, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Always Dance
    In Women:
    -Being shorter than me
    -Glasses. Dear God do I love glasses
    -Striped shirts. Striped shirts are freaking sexy, I'm not kidding
    -White skin. Whiter the better. Deathly pale = hot
    -Eyes...I can't really put a word on it but there are just some types of eyes that I can stare at for days, I love it
    -Long hair, though short hair done right can be cool
    -An athletic/lean figure.
    -Being intelligent, not trying to hide that you're intelligent
    -Having similar interests or at least tolerating my interests
    -Hating the same things I do
    -Being a generally friendly person
    -Being outgoing and not being afraid to be who you are
    -Having a sense of humor
    -Willing to do stuff but content to just sit around and be in each other's company/just cuddle up and watch a movie or something
    -Having a personality compatible enough to be able to hang out with my friends

    Oddly enough, for guys, it's pretty much the opposite of girls. I find them more attractive as my same height, don't like glasses, I honestly think striped shirts look weird on guys, I don't really like freckles, don't like the skin too white, and shorter hair is better. But the eye thing and the figure, that stays the same.
    Post by: Always Dance, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  13. Always Dance
    Reading this in Vanitas's voice, priceless.
    Post by: Always Dance, Apr 5, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Always Dance
    It's just frustrating when you know a friend will love something and they won't freaking read it. I was trying to get two friends to read it and they wouldn't, then we went to go see the movie, and the moment we walked out of the theater they were like "Okay, I'm buying the book". Success.
    Post by: Always Dance, Apr 5, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Always Dance
    I know that I need a vacation when at this moment I'm trying to poop out an essay that's due in two hours and instead I'm on KHV because of my incessant writer's block.
    Post by: Always Dance, Apr 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Always Dance
    The controls thing is really overblown. It's really not that big of a deal to me, yeah it bothers your hands after a while, but it's not anything I'd audibly complain about. I haven't even used the stand it came with.
    Post by: Always Dance, Apr 4, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  17. Always Dance
    I'm just wondering if anyone else has played this utterly fantastic game. It's one of my favorite games ever already, and my favorite 3DS game. The gameplay is really fun and deep and I love how much customization there is. Also, it's hilarious, it's one of the funniest games I've ever played rivaled only by the Portal games. Who else has it?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Apr 4, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. Always Dance
  19. Always Dance
    We have other sections specifically for fandubs, a mod will probably move this soon.

    On topic...that was actually an excellent dub, your voices were great and you did the mixing and even the lip syncing very well.

    You also made me laugh really hard in the middle of the library, so congratulations :P
    Post by: Always Dance, Apr 2, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  20. Always Dance
    Why does Jayn have a sad? D:
    Profile Post by Always Dance for Jayn, Apr 2, 2012