I'm gonna RedBox the DVD just for the bloopers. xD lol I can totally see Jackson saying that!
Yeah! He seems like a super-goofy kid! I can only imagine what kind of bloopers there are for the movie. lol XD I'd love it if I could spend a...
I think Noah's a fan of the show too. Have you seen his audition tape? He's so adorable!
Public Secret... Light bulb moment! Sounds like a good name for a band, yes?? :D
Yeah, there was no Sokkcasm. (xD) I agree, Nicola wasn't a very good Katara. I know she was probably just doing what they told her to do (I'm an...
I think what everyone missed about the show that wasn't in the movie was the humor. That's a big part of the show (not just all the angst and...
August Rush Not so bad the second time 'round.
I think the creators of the show should be deeply involved in the movie-making process. They could be writers or producers. Hell, they could be...
I think Book 2 should get a new director/writer/producer. M Night just needs to go away. >>
Yeah! I really wanted to see Jet and the Kyoshi Warriors. Not to mention an actor who really looked like Uncle Iroh instead of some Ozai-lookalike.
Haha. Thanks. I'm just a humble fan of the show, trying to make sure it gets appreciated more than the crap movie.
The Last Airbender I don't have words strong enough to express my anger and disappointment.
The Wedding Singer Saw it on stage so I decided to watch the movie. Stage was SOOOO much better.
Spider-Man 3 Not my favorite, but still good to watch. =)
Atreyu remembered suggesting that to Goldwin back in the woods. It didn't seem like a bad idea to him; in fact, it seemed like the perfect solution. Keiran, however, wasn't exactly on the same page. He still greatly disliked all humans for their treatment of him, and he wasn't willing to easily put that aside. His eyes narrowed at the messenger as the idea came to his head that he would make a good snack. "I'm willing to accept her terms," Atreyu began, reading Goldwin's message. "But I'll need some time to talk Keiran into it. He isn't very trusting of people." Atreyu's statement was confirmed with a deep rumble from Keiran.
Yeah, and I got a box of expired dog doodoo. >< Alright then. I'll try to get on here as often as I can. I might not be logged in or posting, but...
Without any warning a blue-white blast of fire came from the mouth of the cave, followed by a warning growl. Then there was Atreyu's voice saying, "Woah, woah! Don't burn him, Keiran. He's probably the messenger that Lady Goldwin told us about. Just stay here; you'll scare the guy witless." Atreyu still kept his dagger with him though. At the back of his mind, there was the smallest suspicion that this person might not be a messenger. It could have been that Dragonhunter from before pretending to be the messenger. He never did like paranoid people, but it was best to be just a little paranoid in his situation. Atreyu left the safety of the cave, leaving Keiran to sit at the entrance and watch him intently. The Dragon was masked by shadows, save for the bright green of his eyes. Atreyu climbed down to the messenger. He greeted the man with a simple, polite, "Good evening."
That's probably for the best. Chances are I'm not going to be on very much for a while. Life's like a box of chocolates after all. =]
Atreyu found Keiran there, some kind meat hanging from his mouth. He was greeted with a look from Keiran that said a thousand words. The Dragon swallowed the morsel that was left from his meal and went over to the boy. He investigated the wood that Atreyu held. Being a Night Fury, Keiran had no use for fire at night, except when using it as a weapon. He didn't understand why Atreyu was lugging around that much wood. "You'll see," Atreyu chuckled, reading the look in Keiran's eyes. "First, though, we need to find a cave or something. Some place to stay for the night. It could rain and I don't want to sleep in that. Not to mention that there must be other beasts up here, judging by whatever you just ate." Keiran vaulted up the mountain a good ten feet. Displaced rocks tumbled down the mountain side, nearly hitting Atreyu. Keiran stopped by a niche just big enough for him to squeeze into; Atreyu would fit no problem. "Great job, Keiran." Atreyu smiled. He thought it would take an hour or two to find some place that would suit their needs. Carefully adjusting his load of firewood, he started up after Keiran.
Cubby rubbed a sore arm. It seemed he was the one who was always getting punched by the other boys and his head bonked. "Ow.... I hope she falls! That's more fun to watch!" "Yeah!" The others agreed. Nibs wanted to count how many times they would have to try to get as good a flyer as Peter. No one was better than him. Well, maybe Tinker Bell was, but she was fairy so she didn't really count.