No we're not. It's just something you're going to have to get used to. My sister and I have jobs and other things to do. We can't be on here 24-7....
OOC: I wanted to go!!! D: I got a job instead.... >> I worked 10 hours yesterday!! >< So uh... anyone wanna give me a sentence or two on what Tama-chan should be doing? ^^'
The Sorcerer's Apprenctice For a second time. I LOVE it! Normally I can't stand Cage, but he wasn't all that bad in this one. Amazing music and a fast-paced story made up for a great experience. ^^
OOC: I have a job now!! D< Don't be mad at me for not posting as frequently. =( I had a 10 hour day yesterday!! Not fun. But anyways, yeah you can join. ^^ Just so you know, the Pixie Hollow fairies don't have a big role. They'll be in Pixie Hollow 99.9999999999% of the time. xD (Fawn is going back right after David and Rebecca learn how to fly properly.) BIC: "The losers..." Fawn rubbed her chin, thinking. She snapped her fingers and said, "The losers have to get a feather from the Indian cheif, Great Big Little Panther!" Nibs gasped. "But that's impossible! None of us have ever gotten a feather from him before! Not even from Lone Wolf!" "They can't do it!"The twins well remembered the time that they had to steal a feather from Lone Wolf as a punishment for botching one of Peter's pranks on the Jolly Roger. They hadn't even come close. And Lone Wolf was just the son of the cheif. That had to mean that getting a feather from Great Big Little Panther really was impossible! "C-crazy! It's crazy, Fawn!" Cubby stuttered. "Then it's a good challenge, right?" Fawn folded her arms smugly. She had a feeling that Peter would be very pleased with this idea of hers.
Toy Story 3 I cried like a baby. LOVED IT. I got home quick as I could once the movie was over and cuddled my bear, Steve, from 1st grade. I made him with my own two hands and there's no way I'll never let him go! I love you, Steve! Happy eleventh birthday!
Ugh! I really want to see his mommy! I want to find out what happened to her and what she was doing the whole time (if she was alive). I assume...
Yeah, I'd like to see what the Fire Nation is like! Zuko had to have made some great changes. If Sokka and Suki had a baby it would be the...
Atreyu lowered hismself and clung to Keiran's neck. He knew Keiran was going to fly quickly and Atreyu didn't want to fall off again. His leg was still sore from the last time. He hadn't paid much attention to his leg on this moutain, but now that he was thinking about it, it was hurting. Maybe climbing up and down that rocky side wasn't such a good idea. Atreyu adjusted himself to make sure he was secure and then Keiran took off. Atreyu was still amazed by how such a large creature could propel itself into their air with one might push of its wings. He kept his thoughts on how Keiran was flying rather than how fast they were going or how high up they were.
The Lost Boys laughed hysterically. Nibs falling to his knees and holding his stomach. It was funnier than he thought and Slightly's joke made it even funnier. "What a fall!" The twins jeered. "Ooh, that looks like it hurt," Cubby both giggled and sympathized. Fawn quickly flew to the fallen kids. "That wasn't good at all! You've got to keep happy thoughts in your head! Think like Peter does!"
I'm excited to see what's up with this "Republic City." It looks like Omashu and Ba Sing Se put together. I hope Korra and Tenzin travel...
Yup. Azula's a neat person. I can't wait to see Korra! Did you see the official article? Yeah, I...
I never decided if I like her or not. She's a complicated character. Maybe that's why I like her more than I dislike her.
OOC: Don't judge me!! D: But look at this!! BIC: "It's alright, Keiran. He's leaving," Atreyu put his hand on Keiran's nose and pushed him back into the cave. "We've got a lot to talk about, buddy." In response, Keiran laid down to get ready for the lecture. The Dragon had a feeling it was going to be about what the other human had said. Atreyu sat next to Keiran and picked up one of the firewood sticks. He dragged it across the floor of the cave, creating a map of Numenor. "This is where I live," Atreyu began. Then he drew some trees just south of the border. "That's where you live. We can't see each other because you're not allowed in my home. The Hunters would kill you on sight. We're friends. We trust each other." Keiran lowered his nose and sniffed the drawing that Atreyu had made. He did trust Atreyu. And only Atreyu. Keiran moved his head to Atreyu's bag and pulled out a piece of meat with his tongue and teeth. "So I need you to really trust me, and all the other humans. You can come and live with me in my home, and not be hurt by any of the Hunters." Keiran swallowed the meat and turned his head to look Atreyu in the eyes. Their faces were nearly touching in the small space of the cave. "But there's a catch. I'm okay with it, but I want you to be too. Lady Goldwin said that we'd have to join their armed forces and fight for them. I know how you feel about humans. And I know you probably don't want to do anything to help them after they've done so much wrong to your kind. But you'll be safe. I promise you that." Keiran blew a huff of air through his nose. He didn't like the idea at all. The Dragon stood and shook himself. He walked out, stretched his wings, and then looked back at Atreyu. His eyes said, "Well come on. Don't give me time to change my mind." "Thanks, Keiran," Atreyu smiled. He ran outside and hopped onto Keiran's back. Numenor was waiting, along with Lady Goldwin.
Oh that would be so wrong! xD I really, really, hope they keep her character the way it should be. She's my favorite girl!
I've heard rumors that Toph will actually be a boy. Am I the only one who thinks that ruins the character??
OOC: *points to self* Writer's block. Yay.... -__-
OOC: *facedesk* I knew that... BIC: "Alright, show me what you got!" Fawn waved the children into the air. "Come on. I've got to see what I have to work with." "I bet the girl falls first," Harry said. "No, the boy," Terry disagreed. "The girl!" "The boy!" The twins tackled each other and wrestled into the bushes.
It's not an anime. It was animated in Korea. That fact comes straight from the creators of the show. I call it a mock-anime. The style is similar to anime, but not exactly the same.
Actually, it was animated in Korea and storyboarded in America. (Learned that from the extra DVD in the collector's edition Book 1.) I also heard that the Kyoshi Warriors were filmed but cut because of the lack of an ending for their plot. Whatever. All you have to do is what was done in the show and you wouldn't have had a problem, M Night. I have to say that I'm just really, really upset over this movie. My brother and I were looking at each other in the theater with flat out "WTF?!" faces. Neither of us could get over how horrible it was. I had done a lot of background research before I went to see the movie -- including listening to a ton of interviews that M Night gave. He kept saying how he's a big fan of the show and stuff. So why did he ruin it? D: The saving grace of the movie was Noah Ringer. He is an amazing martial artist. And he portrayed Aang's inner torment perfectly. But there was too much of it! Aang is a goofy kid! Where did all the humor go? I know the cast was just doing what they were told (I'm an actress, I know what that's like) but I wish their was more of the show. They all seemed like different people to me! Here's a good little spoof for you TV fans! It's genius.
"Thank you for coming all this way," Atreyu said to the messenger kindly. "I'll be sure to get back to Numenor as quickly as I can." He gave the messenger a quick, respectful nod and then climbed back up to Keiran before the Dragon could change his mind about having the man for a snack. Atreyu wasn't sure if Keiran had ever eaten a human before, and he didn't want to find out.