So ATLOK is only going to be 12 episodes? =( That's a bit disappointing. But I'm still really glad that they're doing any more with Avatar at all. (Esp after that movie...) I also hope that they'll air it on the regular Nick so that everyone can watch it (some people don't have the money to have a whole bunch of different TV chanels). Now that I think about it, Meelo could be Tenzin's kid. It's plausible.
No Kid makes me sad... >>
"He's Death's son," Merlie replied to Koji. "If there's one thing you should know about him: he's completely obsessed with things being symmetrical. The guy's got some screws loose." "Ha! That's for sure!" Kirby agreed. While they both thought Kid was over-the-top for symmetry, they owed him a great deal for bringing them together. Kid wasn't exactly a good, close friend of theirs, but he was a handy acquaintance. "So... for my question... Alright, I'll start easy too: How did you two become partners?"
"Man, you guys ask all the easy questions," Kirby smirked, trying to get rid of the awkward feeling he had from having his unasked question answered. "I'm the weapon. Merlie and I have been partners for about two weeks now." Merlie nodded and explained, "Death the Kid introduced us to each other."
Amidst the talking of the new students, Kirby heard someone call out for attention. He couldn't tell for sure if it was his attention they were trying to get; but since they all were new and didn't know anyone's names yet, it very well could have been. Kirby turned his head to check and found someone waving at him. Of the two, Merlie was more enthusiastic about making friends (more like team members -- she was thinking so far ahead thanks to her reading), so she tugged Kirby over to the boy that had called them. "Yeah, we're new too. My name's Merlie Arget," She introduced herself. "And this is my partner, Kirby Levin." Kirby gave a little wave that was more of a poor salute. He was very tempted to ask what was wrong with the girl, but knew that Merlie would probably be angry with him for such a question. She had a thing about "people's private space."
How To Train Your Dragon There are no words that can describe how wonderful, amazing, emotional, and brilliant this movie is.
Kirby walked forward after Death's announcement, following other new students. He wanted to get this started as soon as possible. Without looking over his shoulder, he knew Merlie was right behind him. Their training hadn't even begun and they were already connected in a way no one could possibly understand. Merlie smirked, watching Kirby's confident stride. Each of them was very excited for what was to come. Merlie wondered what it was that would be said in orientation. A rundown of school rules? Expectations or goals of the school? No, pretty much everyone knew those already. But maybe they needed to be said anyway -- standard procedure. Behind him, Kirby heard someone laughing very loudly. He rolled his eys and kept walking, not very interested in what lunatic was acting like that. He glanced at the walls and saw the large arrows that Death spoke of. It was a good thing they were there -- following a crowd wasn't always the best idea, especially one made of new students. "What are you thinking of?" Merlie asked Kirby suddenly. "I was wondering why that crazy kid out there isn't in a straight jacket," Kirby replied seriously.
OOC: Since my sister's working again right now, I'll just have Soul on his own. BIC: Soul stood alone on the central balcony of the DWMA. While he would rather have been with Maka at the moment, he wasn't quite sure where she was. They'd both been discussing the arrival of new students to the academy the night before. Soul had predicted that Black Star would try to scare the living daylights out of each of them. He chuckled to himself, watching the new miesters and weapons come up the stairs to the academy. "They don't know what they're in for," Soul murmured. If this year was anything like the last, everyone would need to be at their best. Soul's sideways smile faded as his thoughts drifted to events past. What would this year be like? Merlie walked hand in hand with Kirby, stopping in the center of the courtyard outside the main doors to the DWMA. This was it. She was finally going to enter those doors and begin her dream. After all those years of waiting, all she had to do now was take a few more steps and the dream would become a reality. Kirby squeezed Merlie's hand. "We're really gonna do this." It wasn't a question; it was a statement. Though they had different reasons, both wanted to be at the DWMA. Kirby had a feeling he'd get some answers to his past here. Or maybe just more questions. "Yeah," Merlie breathed the word. She was staring at the immenseness of the building. After a moment, she noticed that you could split the academy in half and both sides would be the same -- it was a completely symmetrical building. Silently, she wondered if it was made that way on purpose. "Alright!" Kirby shouted. In that one word, he banished all his anxieties and worries, and brought in all his excitements and determination. Looking at Merlie and grinning, he asked, "Do you trust me?" "As much as you trust me," Merlie knew the weight of the answer. Kirby depended on her for everything, seeing as he knew no past. "Then let's go," Kirby jerked his head towards the doors of the DWMA. "We've got a lot to do."
Agreed. xD
There always up and downs to life. But I think I've been riding a plateau. It's nice. lol
I forgive your lateness. XD
I could make a bad guy [or girl] for ya, but I don't know if I'd play them.
I can do bad guys too if you need me. =)
DONE! :D Username: Garxena Character Name: Merlie Arget Age: 16 Gender: Female Personality: She’s serious about every little detail of life. Competitive and bullheaded, Merlie often finds herself in over her head, with Kirby as her only saving grace. Miester or Weapon: Meister Partner: Kirby Levin Basic Skills: Merlie doesn’t know any particular fighting style, but she knows how to throw a mean punch and a swift kick. She’s aerobatic and gymnastic, skills she uses to evade her enemy until she’s back with Kirby. Powers: Soul Resonance, Bull’s-eye (without needing to aim, Merlie throws Kirby and he is guided by their connected soul waves to her intended target), Soul Wave (Merlie exerts a half-moon shaped soul wavelength towards her enemy; it can knock them off their feet, but it does not cut through them) Bio: Her parents always supported Merlie’s dream of attending the DWMA; so when she came of age, they enrolled her promptly. Before she was enrolled, Merlie read many books about the academy and the relationship between a weapon and miester. Extras: Merlie hates witty banter and puns. Appearance: Username: Garxena Character Name: Kirby Levin Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: He’s usually not rough and tumble; but when it comes down to it, he’ll do whatever it takes for his miester. Kirby is determined and dedicated; he does what needs to be done without much questioning. He’s trusting and makes friends easily. Miester or Weapon: Weapon What Kind of Weapon Are You?: Short sword Partner: Merlie Arget Basic Skills: Kirby is fair in the art of kung fu, and can hold his own without Merlie pretty well. Powers: Soul Resonance (Kirby grows to a full length broad-sword), Bull’s-eye, Doppelgangers (using his soul waves, Kirby creates images of himself that can move about but are destroyed if touched even slightly; he can create 5 at the most at one time) Bio: Kirby has no memory of his past. He doesn’t know his parents, siblings, friends, or home. Hoping to unlock the secrets of his past, he reached out to anyone who claimed to have answers – fortune tellers, psychics, mystics – he even asked witches. Kirby was found by Kid, Liz, and Patty. The three saw his potential and brought him back to the academy. He met Merlie and instantly felt a connection; and they’ve been inseparable ever since. Extras: Kirby loves witty banter and puns! Appearance:
Could I have Soul? =D Oh, and I'm working on an OC (it's hard!)
Atreyu came to an abrupt stop when he saw the Dragonhunter standing in plain sight. He'd had a sinking feeling that he would run into this man again sooner later, and he didn't like that it was sooner. Keiran followed Atreyu's line of sight and growled. They both thought this was supposed to be a safe (as safe as a battle ground is) place for them. Atreyu placed a hand on Keiran's back, just above his wing -- it was a touch that was reassuring to both of them. Just when Atreyu thought they'd need another place to hide, he saw one of the officers that he'd shown Goldwin's pocket watch to go over to the Dragonhunter. Sighing with relief, Atreyu began to walk with Keiran around the perimeter of the Dragon Battle Dome. He didn't know how long they'd be there, so he figured it was either a good way to get to know his surroundings or kill some time.
The Legend of the Guardians EPIC.
OOC: We'll have to let the thread master decide that one. I think she should do a recap!! xD
OOC: Am I the only one who's super P.O.ed about this? We had done so much!! ><
*Except when they're in RPs that you want to move forward!* xD Yeah, that would be really cool! Even if we don't see her in The Legend of...