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  1. Garxena

    Soul Eater

    What I want to know is about the realtionship between Stein and Spirit. I think they've been buddies for a long time. They have to be close to be able to match wave lengths, right? So how to you all think they met and became miester and weapon?
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 28, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. Garxena
    Okay, since Louis can go either way with helpers, this could be one of the times that he does have a helper. He could have brought on this pyscho guy to create a distraction for himself. Louis seems to be the kind of guy who's got smarts. I'm sure he'd think through the most effective way to get what he wants [at the amusement park].

    Poor Black Star! D:

    For the DSA:
    ~They need some kind of training/classes right? What if there was a class of students that Medusa hand-picked to teach herself? She could pick the ones she sees potential in during orientation.
    ---Information gathering!
    ~I imagine Medusa is pretty pissed at Soul and Maka and Crona. I think she'd want to know what they're doing to figure out how to counter them or bring them crashing down. She could send someone to spy on them.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Garxena
    "An academy for witches?" Kirby repeated, mulling over the thought. All of Death City knew what happened with the Kishin, but Kirby knew no details of the even or what led to it. He had a feeling that the rumored academy had something to do with it. He could ask, but would it be abnormal for someone to not know? Instead of questioning it, he decided to go along with it.

    Merlie chewed her lip in thought, a habit she knew annoyed Kirby, but never paid any mind to. "Have you heard anything about who the witch running the whole thing is?" She made a mental note to herself to talk with Kirby about the situation later. They had to find seats now; and Merlie wanted to keep their little group together.

    Soul's attention disengaged from the group. There wasn't much to talk about, and there was almost zero chance that he'd get a decent conversation from Crona, so he glanced over to watch the last of the students disappear into the DWMA. His thoughts drifted to Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, and Patty. Where were they when a guy needed entertainment?
    Luckily for Soul's attention span, Tsubaki and Black Star showed up. "What took you so long?" was his greeting to the two.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Garxena
    Well, first things first: Is the Louis the kind of guy to go it alone? Or does he like/want/need follower?
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Garxena
    Not sure. I'm working on something awesome for Kirby right now. But I may be done with it soon. I could try to come up with some ideas at school tomorrow. Maybe the guy and Louis connecting later (or even now) could work out. Depends on where we want to go with this.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Garxena
    I think the psycho guy is the best because it seems the most plausible. After what happened with the Kishin, I don't think anyone would be in a rush to challenge the DWMA.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Garxena
    I kinda like the idea of Maka & Soul, Zoey & Koji, and Merlie & Kirby going with Stein to the amusement park. It'd certainly keep me on my toes with four character in the same fight (should one occur) but I like that. =) I like the man-eating plants too. xD lol
    What would the other DWMA students be doing while the amusement park thing is going on? Listening to one of Excalibur's 5-hour stories? XDD
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Garxena
    Scary clown.... T^T

    The Danny Phantom reference made my day. =) I knew he'd never die. ^^

    Anyway!! I really like that bio. Makes me wonder how Black Star would do against him (can't think of a reason they'd be in a fight in the first place, but their styles and personalities would make for an epic battle).
    I like the amusement park idea too. Just a question of who would be on that mission now.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Garxena
    Soul just laughed. "You're here, aren't you? Calm down." He nodded to Crona. "Hey." It wasn't much of a greeting, but that was Soul. He put his hands in his pocket and looked around. All the new students were filing inside to go to orientation. He was half hoping for the chance to see someone like Crona -- maybe find another friend for the poor kid.

    "We're almost at the doors," Merlie answered Zoey, relaying what she was seeing to the girl. "Everyone's trying to cram in together."

    "I don't know what they're so eager for. We're just going to sit and listen to rules and regs." Kirby rolled his eyes. He just wanted to get into the classes.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Garxena
    I like those ideas. I know this weekend is Halloween (that must be epic at the DWMA. lol), so I know people have plans (I'm getting mine together right now). I think the best we can do is delve into those ideas and maybe come up with some ourselves. =)
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Garxena
    Agreed. That's what I'll do during my boring classes tomorrow. xD
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Garxena
    I think it's a super good thing that we all can work with each other's busy schedules. xD Anybody got anything going on this weekend? (plot ideas and/or being online or not online)
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Garxena
    OOC: Yay! I have a Maka! =D Now I can write Soul!

    BIC: Kirby sighed inwardly; he was glad Zoey had bought the story. Subconsciously, he was a little bit scared of what would happen if someone found out about his past, or lackthereof. Merlie and Kid (and his weapons) were the only ones who knew about Kirby's situation, besides the staff of the DWMA.

    "Normal as can be," Merlie murmured, looking over her shoulder. All the new faces intrigued her. She'd had no idea there'd be so many new students to the DWMA this year and she wondered what had drawn them to the academy.

    "Maka!" Soul called his miester's name. He's left the upper level of the academy when he'd seen Black Star causing a ruckus. He'd intended to greet him, but Maka and Crona had caught his eye.
    At least she woke up in time to get here. Soul smirked. It was true that he probably should have woken her himself, but where was the fun in that?
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Garxena
    Kirby scratched his head in thought. To him, it wasn't a long story at all; there wasn't much to tell about life before he met Merlie. He glanced to Merlie, his eyes asking her to tell the story.

    "Well," Merlie began as cheerfully as she could. "Attending this academy has been my goal for a long time. I studied and played my cards right and my parents got me in. Kid brought Kirby here and we met while my parents filled out the paperwork. We decided then that we'd be partners."

    "Yeah, that's it." Kirby silently thanked Merlie for the cover.

    OOC: Sorry. This weekend was full of work and homework. >< Not fun.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Garxena

    Soul Eater

    Okay, we all agree that Crona's gender is a never-ending question.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 23, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  16. Garxena
    "Oh," Kirby felt a twist of guilt in his stomach. He and Merlie had a completely different meeting. He understood a bit more about Koji and Zoey now. "But why did you decide to join the academy?"

    Merlie adjusted her jacket sleeves. She didn't think it was proper for Kirby to asking such personal questions; she knew that's just how he was. She could hit him upside the head or punch his shoulder, but it wouldn't change anything. He'd done the same thing to her when they'd first met. He'd asked her all sorts of questions; but when she asked him anything, he usually didn't have an answer. She knew the reason for it, and wasn't supposed to tell anyone. Kirby had made it clear that he wanted to be just like everyone else on the outside. No one was to know about his missing past or search for answers.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 21, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Garxena

    Soul Eater

    I'm so confused about Crona! Dx I'm just going to stick with the anime version and call it a boy.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 21, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. Garxena

    Soul Eater

    In the anime, Crona is a boy.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 21, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Garxena

    Soul Eater

    This is one of the best animes I've seen in a long time. It's the first one to get my heart pounding in my chest (not even FMA did that for me). This show made me laugh, cry, and punch the computer screen. lol =) The cast and crew did a wonderful job getting this show just right (both in Japanese and English).

    I definately think Patty is one of the best (well, funniest characters) in the show. She's able to turn the audience's mind away from the scary and towards the funny (though it may not last long). My favorite moment of hers is when she scares the crap out of Kid. xD

    I don't know how anyone can dislike Crona by the end of the show. At first, I really didn't like him; but once you learn about him (and all Medusa made him endure), he really becomes a pityful character. I wouldn't say that he's one of my favorites, but I certainly don't hate him anymore. He just needs a hug. ^^

    BlackStar is just a plain freak. xD We love him and hate him. He also reminds me of Naruto (at age 12). The only thing that I didn't like about him was how he always said he wanted "to surpass god." I understand what he meant by that (I don't care about the god thing, I don't claim a religion), but I think he could have said it differently. It just devalued his character for me.

    About Death at the end of the show:
    Death doesn't die at the end of the show. He's perfectly fine. I thought that Kid would take over too, but turns out he didn't. I think that would have been a stretch for an ending.
    As far as Excalibur goes, I think he's some sort of cat-human-duck thing. It's hard to tell. I usually just refor to him as humanoid.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Garxena
    So glad I found this thread. xD

    "The Lizzard" is Doctor Connor. =D He's one of my favorite characters! I hope they do him justice.

    The only thing I'm worried about now is what they're going to do with MJ and Gwen in the same movie. We all know what happens to Gwen (in the comics). I was a bit upset that it never happened in the movie.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media