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  1. Garxena
    "Where are we going?" Atreyu wondered out loud. They were supposed to be flying south, but the mountains looming in the distance suggested they were going north. Atreyu frowned. They were going north; those were the Targon Mountains. Atreyu was trying to puzzle out why Keiran would go there. Maybe he thought it was a good hiding place because of the lack of travelers, or the remoteness, or something like that. He didn't mistrust Keiran's judgement, he just wondered about its reasoning.
    Post by: Garxena, May 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Garxena
    OOC: Finals are over and I can now dedicate my time to keeping up with a thread as crazy as this! xD

    BIC: Sameire attempted to keep her footsteps light and soundless, but it was hard to do when wearing boots and walking on cobblestones. She was set and determinded in her mind to get these inslaved children free. After learning all she had in the past week, this was just another outrageous discovery. She had never even thought of the possibility that this kind of thing occured in her country. It made her furious.


    "What?" Ben's eyes widened. "That's not fair! They're cheating! We've got to help this city. I don't think they'll do very good at protecting themselves on their own."

    "Ben's right," Aduial put in. "We can't justly leave this place knowing what will happen."

    "What are you suggesting?" Aidou looked at Aduial out of the corner of his eye, one eyebrow raised. "That we stay and fight for some pathetic place? If they can't defend themselves why should we bother?"

    "Because," Ben pointed to Aidou, a pouting expression on his face. "it's the right thing to do. Don't you ever do the right thing?"

    "I should leave her," the vampire muttered to himself. He stood by a tree in a moon-lit forest, watching a Cylian fight off several leechers. It was clear she was out numbered and not a skilled enough fighter to take them all on by herself. Aidou was just about to leave the Cylian when he caught a glimps of her face. Though bloodstained as it was, there was beauty about it. And in that split second, the vampire made his decision.
    "I better not regret this." Aidou leaped from his place by the tree to kill the leechers.

    "No," Aidou replied to Ben. "No vampire ever just does the right thing."
    Post by: Garxena, May 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Garxena
    "What?!" Tamaki jumped to his feet, his hands on his desk. He had indeed been in his own little world of doodling and perfecting his plan. He closed his notebook and shoved his things into his bag. He quickly thanked the girl for telling him about this as he ran out of the room. He needed to find Mori, Hunny, and Kyouya -- did they know about this? And what about Haruhi? Was she still at Ouran or had she gone with the twins?
    Tamaki skidded to a stop in the middle of the hallway, his violet eyes wide. Now one thought came to the front of his mind: Had Haruhi been hurt too?
    He tried not to panic too much as he now sprinted through the halls towards the infirmary. But the vibration of his cell phone in his pocket made his heart skip a beat. He stopped and stood by a wall, so as to let other students pass by him. He took out his cell phone and saw that he had a new text message from Hikaru. The picture of the impish twins that he had as their ID seemed unfit for this situation. Making a mental note to change it later, he pressed "view now" on his phone. Reading the text message did not calm his nerves. Quickly, he texted back, "What happened? Are either of you hurt? IS HARUHI WITH YOU?" He meant the last question to be as a bit of a joke, an attempt to make them smile, but chances were that they wouldn't find it too funny.
    Post by: Garxena, May 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Garxena

    It's not all that great the third time 'round.
    Post by: Garxena, May 24, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  5. Garxena
    Oh that was lovely.... ><
    Profile Post by Garxena for Pezz, May 24, 2010
  6. Garxena
    Am I the only one who thought Todd did a good job as Ling, but he just didn't seem to fit the role? I mean, I LOVE Todd, but I just couldn't get his other characters out of my mind as I was watching him. But I did really like Monica as May.
    Post by: Garxena, May 23, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. Garxena
    I'd LOVE to get the DVDs now, but I'm going to hold out until they're in a giant pack. It might save me some seriously needed cash. lol
    Post by: Garxena, May 21, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Garxena
    Good Morning Vietnam

    Funny... yet sad. Very good movie though.
    Post by: Garxena, May 19, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  9. Garxena
    Atreyu sneaked a peak over his shoulder to see if that Dragon-hunter was following them. He didn't want anymore trouble than he'd already caused. He knew there was strain in Numenor, thanks to the rumors, and now he and his Dragon were about to cause more of it. The best thing he could do now was just stick to what Goldwin had told him to do. Now he just has to worry about how long he'd be out of town. Was there a way he could get word to his parents of where he was? And what food was he supposed to eat out in the middle of nowhere? Keiran could hunt for himself; and Atreyu still had the bag of goodies, but that would maybe only last for the rest of the day and the next morning. His safety wasn't a big problem wherever they were going because he had Keiran to keep an eye on him. After that display back there, Atreyu knew that Keiran wasn't going to let any harm come to him.
    Post by: Garxena, May 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Garxena
    OOC: My please was Hunny inspired. lol =) Yeah, that was a good recap. I might go back and read what I missed some time, but I don't think I will be able to any time soon. Now let's see... what can my creative little brain think of....?

    BIC: Tamaki stared blankly at the chalk board as his class progressed very boringly. He was antsy to get to the Host Club and tell the other Hosts all about his plan for Hiromi. He thought it was one of his best plans yet. (Kyouya probably thought it was the most expensive plan yet.) He wasn't exactly waiting to see the other Host's reactions, just excited to get on with the plan.
    Since there wasn't much note-taking going on and he didn't really want to pay attention, Tamaki decided to doodle out his plans on the paper he would have used for notes. First, he drew six horses (though to anyone else they would look more like oversized dog-giraffes). Then he drew each Host on a seperate horse, all of them wearing shiny suits of armor (they looked like robots). Tamaki spent the next few minutes drawing a sun with glasses and clouds with smiles. Once he felt his scenery was well enough, completed with the rose bushes and fountain of Ouran, he drew in Hiromi (who looked more like the ugly-duckling version of Ariel). He had her facing the horses with a thought bubble that had a question mark in it. He thought it was a very good drawing.

    Hiromi sat in her desk, taking very diligent notes. She needed to keep her grades up if she was going to continue her stay at Ouran. She needed to see her father smile when he saw how well she was doing. And see needed to keep her mind focused on something other than the fact that he father didn't come home from work the last night.
    What could he have been doing that kept him there all night long? I understand that the work he does is important and gets us money, but couldnt' he have come home for just a little bit? Just to see me? She frowned at the thought. Now was not the time to be worrying about other things. Summer vacation was coming up and that meant tests were coming up too. Summer vacation was fun and all, but she could get excited over that once she'd finished her exams. First things first.
    Post by: Garxena, May 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Garxena
    Not really. Every Sunday at 1am and 4 (or is it 5) am, they play a new episode of Brotherhood. There haven't been any reruns at all since Brotherhood started 14 weeks ago.
    Post by: Garxena, May 16, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga