lol The only time they're good is when you're on stage. Otherwise, I don't really like wearing them.
They make you fall on your face too. xD
Ghost Adventures makes me want to do another lockdown. With Zak. And his muscles. But not the swearing. Pokemon is the anime that made me go "what if that was actually real?" Children are taught horrible morales by that show. xD I've heard of Ghost Hunt, but I've never watched it.
I can run -- when I'm not in high heels or character shoes. lol
Soul felt Maka tense and decided to watch Fae instead of Kirby and the others. He tried to see what it was about Fae that got Maka worried, but couldn't find anything too unusual. Was it just Maka being on edge since they'd heard about the Medusa news? No; Maka had been acting strange earlier too. Soul had to trust his partner and keep wary. "Great," Kirby grinned at Patty. He wanted to smoosh her hat sideways, but he had a feeling Kid might freak out so he left Patty's hat alone. "We should get going to the Death Room," Merlie said, not wanting to hear Kid go on about the perfectness of the symetry of the school. Whatever was going on it had to be important to be brought up on the first day of school, so she wanted to get there as soon as possible. Not to mention that she wanted to get to know Kid's friends as well. Maybe they could be assets.
*huggles* I must go tell the world that I found my miester!! :awesome: I can't even watch The Haunting. It's just not good. *facekeyboard* But Ghost Adventures. Now that's good stuff.
Haha, yeah! Doesn't it make you want to just go around and threaten to defenesize people? Unless they know what it means -- then you've got to be...
We're like soul mates! (lulz @ the "soul" pun) I'm totally cool with animated scary stuff. The real stuff is what scares me.
It's funny 'cause you don't know what it means. lol Okay, I'll tell you: defenesize means "to throw out a window."a
FINALLY! Someone who likes The Messengers!! =D
If he leaves, I'll stalk him down and defenesize him. >D
Snow is fun. Scaries movies are not fun.
Hahahaa! Come live in Draper! I need anime buddies... T^T The only good thing about having a birthday in December is getting snow on your birthday so you can wake up early and be the first to sled on the nice powder. =)
Awesome. Yes. Teehee!
That's what's going on in Draper this year! The weather cannot make up its mind!! ><
I wish I was in Vegas instead of Draper!! D= I should just go visit my grandma and be like, "Hey, grandma! Imma stay here until the cold goes away. Cool? Yes? Good."
I <3 my library. =D Twilight? Behind? I only understand posting. :Awesome:
Utah = cold. Nuff said.
I just found it at the library and decided to get it. lol
I want to know why they shake the way they do. xD And they're one of my favorite dogs.