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  1. AxelsNyxie
    Im curious to see what tulip tastes like....
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. AxelsNyxie
    O.o Harsh.... poor Cin......

    Why is HB leaving again? what is this 'dumb idea'?
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. AxelsNyxie
    WTF what stupid idea? Dont leave!!!!
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. AxelsNyxie
    Just ring the doorbell.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. AxelsNyxie
    Allrighty then!!!!
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. AxelsNyxie
    Gotchya!!!!! I will start ASAP.

    AKA NOW!!!

    Nyxie actually owns the house, and everything in it. Because i said so.
    Gender- Male
    Animal type-Feline
    breed-Saber tooth tiger
    A well built, muscular fellow. his sabers reach well past his lower jaw. His eyes are bright green, just like Axels.

    Diego is a very gentle tiger, unless he senses any imediate threats. He is known to attack for no reason at all, so keep your distance.

    The blonde sat at her large, expensive couch, and awaited her reality tv charries. She sipped on her strawberries and creme frappachino, which came from the built in starbucks at the right of her house. She looked at her watch. Any time now..... She told Diego, who was laying at her feet. The tiger looked up at her, and grinned.​
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. AxelsNyxie
    Okay, so i was watching tv, and like, five minutes ago, i was all like 'hey, i wanna make a kingdom hearts reality show'. So yeah. Here it is.

    ~The scenario~

    Okay, so all the KH members ((this includes the org members as well as Sora and Kairi and the disney characters. Anyone who was in the 2 Kh games can be played)) Are staying in this GIGANTIC mansion, with a HUGE pool, spa, gazebo, the works. Anything you can imagine. Every character gets his/her own room. Nyxie is basically the house leader, since she is MY charrie XD

    Remember: This is reality tv. Anything can happen. As long as you dont violate this site's rules. Use your common sense.

    Also: Your character can have a max of three pets. Just fill out this form:
    [b]Animal type-[/b]


    [b]hair Color-[/b]
    [b]Skin tone-[/b]

    anything can and WILL happen. Fights may occur, but please refrian from using powers. And NO KILLING. Boys and girls may sleep together, as long as its not graphical. This is not intended for porn, so yeah. Please, please, use your common sense!!!!


    AXEL: Me, who else? ;D










    Strawberry blonde and layered
    Fairly tan
    Every mans ideal woman; Big bust, little waist, hips. yeah. Has dark brown eyes, and is of medium hieght.
    Nyxie is a flirt, to put it simple. She is also EXTREMLY feminine, and likes to wear EXTREMLY tight clothes. Booty shorts and mini skirts are DEFINITLEY in her wardrobe :D
    Thread by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007, 391 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. AxelsNyxie
    Nyxie giggled to herself, and looked over at Marluxia. Marly, I just LOVE your hair!! She complimented and giggled again.

    Axel tilted his head. Nyx.... are you feeling alright? He asked.

    Nyxie nodded cheerfully. I just figured.... if i have to withstand punishment, why not make the most of it? She answered, and began to sing...Life's what you make it, so lets make it right!![/color] She stopped, and looked around.

    Axel smiled, and shook his head. He whispered to Marluxia. She changes moods every two seconds, i swear to GOD. He explained to him.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. AxelsNyxie
    can i be Axie?

    DARN IT!!!! I didnt get there in time.... *punches everyone* lol
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. AxelsNyxie
    Ah... I gets it now!!!!!
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. AxelsNyxie
    Aiight. So... can I put Nyxie and Axel in now? Lola could be, like, getting her wig on or something. XDDD
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. AxelsNyxie
    GRAND!! now, lets get this partay goin on... *smirk*

    wait, like ORG. members, such as like Axel, Demyx and such?
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. AxelsNyxie
    Yeah. Please help....
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. AxelsNyxie
    Aiight... I will wait. Just tackle me when that happens, k? XD
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. AxelsNyxie
    HO YEAH!!!! *hugs Swordster* Thankies!!!!!

    *jumps up and down impatiently* When do we start?
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. AxelsNyxie
    OOCso you stole who's necklace?[/QUOTE]

    I meant the Nyxie character stole MY necklace. I have the EXACT playboy bunny necklace as her..... And she stoled it.


    Nyxie was just able to spot some people over in the distance. She smiled. One looked exactly like... ROXAS?? Her smile got broader. She knew him and Axel at least KNEW each other.... maybe Axel would notice her if she was around one of his friends...

    She jumped off, and dusted off the seat of her extremly tigh, light blue jeans, and she made sure her shirt looked okay. It matched the necklace almost perfectly. A tight tube top with multiple small playboy bunny prints.

    She walked over, playing with her fluffy hair. She stopped in front of Roxas, and flashed her pearly whites. Hi, Roxas! Er.... how ya been? You wouldnt by any chance know where Axel is, would you? She asked, and mentally slapped herself. She just basically gave away the fact she was, like, obsessed with Axel.[/size]

    OOC- I MUST warn you. Nyxie has a SEVERE obsession with Axel.... if you havent noticed. XD
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. AxelsNyxie
    Can I have Hannah?

    Nvr mind. my bad

    Im gonna hunt Swordster down then.

    I want Lola, if thats not too many characters...
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home