Really? Oh, man, I'm sorry. I have two more days off, after having all of last week. I'm glad, because I get more time to work on my Valentine's...
Well, that's cool. :) I don't play any sports, though. But I know it must take up a lot of time.
Twas good. Went to church this morning. Then group tonight. Now I'm tooling around with MS Paint because I don't feel like opening up GiMP.
Aw, thanks. :) I'm a huge Larxel fan, plus a fan of both of the characters. :D
A year or so now, I think. It's gotten a lot easier, definitely- and it's a lot easier this way to get the picture I want for a background or sig.
Hehe, yeah, it's awesome.
It's awesome- if you get the game models, then you can make images that look like they came straight out of the game.
IDK, just wasn't feeling in an Axel mood today I guess. Plus, Larxene is awesome. And MMD is pretty easy to work with.
Actually, it might be Larxene. (Working with her model is more fun. )
:) I'm working on a new siggy, an Axel one. Vanitas is just a placeholder.
Aw, thanks! :) Yeah, the last one of Ven and Namine was done a while ago... but thanks! :D So much. :) I always need advice on how to improve.
Neat! I love how you did the background behind all the Soras. You could have blended the Drive Form images with the background a bit more, but for a first try this is awesome. :)
Woah, bright colors. O.O Is this why you said I was only using basic colors? Great job, btw.
Aww, too bad. Those marks were cool. And yeah, I thought something was up with Nomura. O.O
... okay then. That means I might as well stop, because I previously considered these some of my best works, particularly the Kairi one and the first one.
Aww, thanks. :) *cyberhugs* so, what're you up to?
Well, I'm not exactly a beginner. More like somewhere in the middle. But okay. A lot of people say the first one catches there attention. :) I credit that to the artist who did the picture. But thanks! All right, thanks. :)
I don't plan on leaving. :) And thanks for the welcome. :D
Sweet! Lea's human again! But, what happened to his little marks? And Nomura laughs a lot. Is he on something?
Aw, thanks. :) Vanitas is probably my favorite villain. All of Xehanort's incarnations are creepy.