Meh, right now I'm listening to GX, and working on a collab between myself and CarmellaEnchanted.
Dude, you are talking to the queen of sarcasm. T.T :P So what's up?
Yeah, definitely noticed that. You been reading the latest Naruto chapters?
NP. And, it's Sasuke, right?
??? Is that sarcasm?
Thanks! Yeah, tis my OC. :) I bet so. Maybe rping is your self expression. Acting, maybe.
I said put me down as single, and give me a male partner, but IDK if anyone's seen it yet.
Not really, I don't think. Nothing is impossible for God. Therefore making the 'work of the impossible' a moot point.
I love drawing, but writing tends to be more of a passion for me. Easier to express myself, at least. But yeah, I drew the lovely profile pic...
Yeah, I'm still not sure if they put me down as single or not yet, I edited my post, but whatever.
Oh, by the way... did that girl ever say yes or no?
That would be your avatar, the Sharingan (I'm assuming that's what it is, anyway) eye. Avvy is short for avatar, just as siggy is short for...
My issue is more I stayed up drawing, or reading, or writing my KH fanfic. Then, I get sleepy and require something in the realm of sweet tea or...
Meh, I'm no good at rping. I'll stick to just watching. :) And drawing, and writing, and reading.... Yeah.
There's such thing as a wholesome RP? Wow! I never knew that. All the ones I've seen... are much less so.
Too true, too true. :) Love the avvy, btw.
I totally love you right now. < is a total Axel fangirl. But, seriously, you're mad talented. I love the first one especially, his expression and the shading are both amazing. :) Keep it up.
Ouch. Yeah, that would make paying attention a little hard, or so I hear. :)
Pretty good, just talking to all the awesome peoples here. You?
It used to bore me, then we moved to a much cooler church, where the pastor is really engaging and awesome. :) Plus, I sit with my friends. But,...