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  1. HeartofFire
    Profile Post

    Yeah, she is. XD

    Yeah, she is. XD
    Profile Post by HeartofFire for Crypt, Feb 4, 2012
  2. HeartofFire
    Wasn't sure if there was a thread like this. But, if you're a Christian, or even not, and you have a favorite Christian song, what is it?

    I have quite a few, but right now it's either "Where I Belong" by Building 429 or "Light of the World" by Kari Jobe.
    Thread by: HeartofFire, Feb 4, 2012, 24 replies, in forum: Music
  3. HeartofFire
    While I don't agree with homosexuality at all, this is not the way to handle it. Ever. I'm embarrassed that my fellow Christians think it's okay to act like this. These kids need help, not torture.
    Post by: HeartofFire, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  4. HeartofFire
  5. HeartofFire
    Profile Post

    Happy Friday!

    Happy Friday!
    Profile Post by HeartofFire for Krown, Feb 3, 2012
  6. HeartofFire
  7. HeartofFire
  8. HeartofFire
  9. HeartofFire
  10. HeartofFire
  11. HeartofFire
  12. HeartofFire
  13. HeartofFire
  14. HeartofFire
  15. HeartofFire
  16. HeartofFire
  17. HeartofFire
  18. HeartofFire
  19. HeartofFire
  20. HeartofFire