Time's running out for us to accuse, then. Who do you all think we should pick? Kira Candidates: Guardian_Soul Cherry OblivionRoxas Tikem ArchVice Mako Tsunami (NOT KIRA) DemyxPlaysMySitar Aeon Sora CtR Snow Villiers Keyblade Spirit SpazticFantaztic :3 Revelry Ghillie in the Mist Midnight Star
I only heard about it when The Sage started reviewing it. Oh how I regret clicking that video link. ._.
Some codes don't work in Disney Castle. Which ones are you using?
I think this is it. Sorry if you have an AR. E0XXFDFF 004DD49C (Hold R2) Replace the X's with the number of lines below it in hex. Example: E002FDFF 004DD49C 0011223c 00000000 0011224c 00000000
I'm sure it works on PS2; remember trying it out a while ago. You used the joker, right?
Sorry, just having trouble collecting my thoughts. x-x; I'll finish my turn in a bit.
9:59. Got easy after two minutes.
The front page's first post has a text limit I think, so they can't just put every code in existence on there (And as you can see, they already have a ton of them). Not sure about attachments, though.
Indecisive, appreciative, open-minded.
This proves that the spam zone does not make a good Help With Life section.
That was amusing. Count me in next round.
Alright. Now's not the time for anymore mistakes. I'll show you how cruel the ocean's wrath can be! -Still in Main Phase 1- First, I'll play Double Summon! Next, I play Pot of Greed, drawing two cards! And to top it all off, I activate the field spell, A Legendary Ocean! What I do next entirely depends on your reactions to these, so do you counter?
I agree with this. Spoiler Hell, the way they went about it, it didn't even make sense. If Hogwarts was supposed to have so much extra security, why have the death eaters parade through the place with absolutely no one stopping them except a pissed-off teen? That, the burrow being destroyed, and the completely unsubtle way they went about Olivander's kidnapping were the main things I had trouble with in watching this movie. /opinion
I'll go with right. And what about me, Jaden?
You're asking this on a KH fan site? Go get XIII, dammit.
I hope they don't. And if they do, it better have different characters; I personally would rather they not screw with TWEWY's ending.
. . . What? No, seriously. What?! That's. . . . Yeah, I can't really find words to express how odd I think marrying a pillow is. To each their own, I guess? o.O
And here I thought we'd be able to get a hint. Eh. This makes Tikem less likely to be Kira, so who else on the list might the Shinigami have picked? (Something tells me shooting out accusations isn't going to suit well this round.) EDIT: Wait, did we get the hint?