Nice job, better than my first try. xD
What's a helo?
For some reason on GBA CoM, Ansem was a bi[color="#white"]tch[/color] for me to beat. As for RE:CoM, I'd have to say last Axel battle, if only because I had really low HP. The guy could kill me in about three hits D: I like reading the bosses' patterns though; when you learn them, dodging their attacks are very easy without card breaks~
^I agree with this. Jaden, you're right about having a base theme so people don't pull cards from their asses, but making a person get a game loss from one single card that seems odd in a deck is something I find a little harsh, IMO. Perhaps if we put a limit on it?
See for yourself.
D-technolife by Uverworld.
Funny, we just finished this stuff weeks ago in my class. Hated it. =/
Count me in.
Overrul- Never mind.
I demand observing status.
Spoiler If the Keyblade War really is linked to that legend Kairi's Grandmother told, this makes a good bit of sense.
I only did the hail stone thing as a bad name reference. The brains and stuff everywhere was P's idea. :lolface: Think Kira gets an eye kill, btw.
To this site To give you a message. Card games on motorcycles.
I kinda thought it should've been easier for the detectives, what with the lack of name kills. Was disappointed. =/
HOW THE HELL DID- Oh, right. Giant hail stone.
So who's all alive again?
What a twist. :lolface:
I think I died a little. . . . Yep, that's death. ._.