That. Is. Awesome.
I still dislike the rainbow usernames, which is why I'm slowing my post count.
Think so. Also considering no one's died yet, have they?
If we time it right, we can slip in an accusation just before the deadline, and also get a free hint if the kira doesn't get any name kills. Or is it Death Eraser this round?
I've no idea how I would go about doing that though.
Whenever the automatic patch tries to run, for some reason it does this: (Warning, large picture) Spoiler Help, KH-V?
Today, because he had his friends over, my brother tried to take my TV in my room and moving to his own, without anyone's consent. When I saw him with it, I immediately got up and grabbed it from him before taking it back to my room. However, my mother followed me, trying to argue that I wasn't using it and that Logan doesn't have a TV in his room; my counter argument was that I was tired of him always taking my stuff without my permission whatsoever, but she completely ignored it and continued ranting. In the middle of this, my brother said to just forget it, and my mother left the room. After a bit, I went to the kitchen to get a drink, saw a message on the computer (my brother's computer is the only desktop with internet, and it's in the kitchen), and typed back. My mother came in, asking why I was using my brother's computer without permission. When I tried to respond, she just kept talking over me, and I lost my temper and screamed that my brother uses my TV all the time, but I never take his computer and move it somewhere else without consent. She said that's because it wouldn't work anywhere else, and I said that it was irrelevent. After a bit, I lost my patience and headed back to my room. I don't remember exactly when, but my mother also started arguing with her boyfriend, saying that he had no right to judge how she raises her kids, and him saying that he wasn't doing that at all. The details of the argument escape me, but that was pretty much the gist of it. Now my mother is threatening to cancel the Talladega trip for ruining her day. What do you think of this, KH-V?
Kittens or hamsters?
I'll try to be more active here. Been sort of busy as of late.
The biased in me screams Neku. But the last one looks cool too D:
I'll duel you. Your terms?
Swing and miss!
Ooh, warmer. Now you're cold.
No. No. Close, but no.
Magic. Get the reference, win a cookie.
$120.47 Derp.
I agree with this. Although, the title of this thread is "Can three people be together?", not "Is it probable for three people to be together?"