Nomura is treating BBS like a numbered KH game (only because Sora isn't the main character, it doesn't have a number), so I'm leaning more towards a yes on this.
Could be better, but pretty good ^^ You?
I'm absolutely sure I've heard that actor before. I'm just not sure who ><
That was pretty fun, actually. Good job Sora =D
A Watari accidently choosing a Kira for L amuses me. High hopes for this round, btw.
Try the 09 digit.
Is it me, or are the starters getting worse and worse with every new game? o_o
In. Maybe this time I can do something before getting killed off >:C
I take it you're using a code to make all bosses allies? You'll need individual role mods to change that.
Try this for Sora: 01c9515c 0000003c
I didn't really think so. My hand precision sucks but I still enjoyed it.
I LOVED that game. Best DS game I've ever played (better than Days, imo). Though I've had problems remembering how to get scarletite or whatever it's called when replaying ._.
Blowing up babies.
Exactly. I guess I'm just getting tired of the concept =/
The whole Stephenie Meyer comment thingy isn't exactly what's making me apprehensive about the book, but more of the concept I've read off the back of it. From what I gather from it, ordinary mundane girl gets dragged into supernatural situation due to odd circumstances.Sound familiar? . . . And maybe the naked guy on the cover, but I digress.
Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Should I, khv?
I'm in.dotdotdot
I'd think bullying in the lunch room in such a manner would be quite noticable, imo.
I accuse SakiM.
With twenty cards in hand, it'd probably be pretty easy to lock your opponent if you go first. =X