a thread in asking for someone to color-edit a picture?
I personally think that struggling for control scene in the BBS ending was taking place after KH2, when the supposed 'original self' should be revived. MX said they had enough time to decide the owner of the heart, or something like that. Isn't the scene where Sora gets the letter from Mickey a year or so after KH2? I vaguely remember hearing it anyway.
And then we'd be royally f*cked.
Well, so much for that plan.
Aqua met Ansem when Ansem knew Sora, therefore Ansem must've been sent back after his disappearance when the 'heart decoder' exploded. imo.
Another thing, it'd be wise to time your accusation as close as possible to the deadline, if you're going to accuse. That'd leave Kira only a handful of minutes (or less) to hack you off, or else we not only lower the list of who could be kira, but also get a hint.
Either that or it was just a figure of speech. Could be though.
If he kills someone at all. I'm hoping for a clue~
I've already gotten used to it. These lifeless keys used to be full of power!" Priceless. About Xemnas' voice playing MX, I wouldn't like that. Why? Because MX is an old, old man. It'd be Sora's voice in RE:CoM all over again, though instead of him seeming to blast through puberty out of a cannon, you'd think MX never reached it. Which might be pretty amusing, actually.
Who knows? Obviously from the BBS secret ending, MX and Terra must be locked in a struggle over control. We'll have to wait and see who emerges victorious. I'm curious though on what 'seeds' MX was talking about, in particular.
Going by what Nomura said in an interview (I can't remember which), I don't think 'destroyed' is the right word. I think it said in the interview that when a nobody's defeated, if the heartless of said nobody was defeated prior, the original self comes back. If not, I think the nobody's suspended in darkness.
Alright. Here's a list of codes I have saved. Continuously respawning dusks and samurais replace shadows and neoshadows: 21CBCD54 00303939...
I believe the fact that it's posted here proves beyond a doubt that it's real. http://na.square-enix.com/khbbs/ Unless of course a hacker has the balls to mess with the site.
Hmm. I don't think 33 should max out anything. . . . You're not using any other codes?
Yeah, but which numbers? Post an example.
Alright. I'll see if I can hack a few of the struggle battles. If you want, I have codes to mod the heartless in the Pain and Panic cup? You get...
As for the first rule, I don't think the Kira should die. A complex hint, however, hidden in the accusation the Shinigami writes might be a good idea.
The values you need to use are in hex. The maximum HP value for bosses is 0D48 I think. What values are you putting in?
The version we're getting is practically already a final mix, what with Critical Mode, a new world, new boss, etc.