is on a distinguished road (for theonly9one)
I keep seeing this one raccoon out in my yard O.o Freak-ay
Even though ive never seen you, BYE!!!! :D
ouch >.< lol
Hi! im ~Namine_Hearts~ Welcome and enjoy yourself here :D if you'd like to talk/be friends just PM me
HI im ~Namine_Hearts~! Welcome and enjoy yourself here :D
HI Shadow-Walking-Schemer! I'm ~Namine_Hearts~ Welcome and enjoy yourself here :D if you'd like to talk/be friends just PM me :)
Hi im ~Namine_Hearts~ Welcome and enjoy yourself here! :D if you'd like to talk/be friends just PM me
HAHAHAHAHAHA rofl!!!!!!!!! wow
Im not famous YET, but welcome to khv! im ~Namine_Hearts~ Enjoy yourself here :D
I actually do where a lot of black...but it doesnt go with my personality xD
2/10 i think ive seen you once
Yeppers. its nine where i am xD
HAHA!!! niiiiice xD
Hi im ~Namine_Hearts~! welcome and enjoy yourself here!! :D yayay
My name (Chloe) means 'blooming'......interesting
I just saw it. I thought it was kinda corny at some parts though :\ but still good :D
I am very arachniphobic (sp?) and i live in the WOODS O.O omg i HATE spiders......and bugs. if i even think about them ill shudder O.o Especially when they hang down from the ceiling *falls down*
36073 :d
don't worry we shall be back! :glomp: