..I am sorry you think that way.
all I can say is.. as annoying as it can be to you.. you can just simply ignore it. it's even easier to ignore than actual noise. if a baby was crying next to you, it's not like you can stop him/her from crying.. so if that annoyed you, what are you going to do? you're in a public area. all we can do is ignore if we don't like it. it's either that or you respond in a polite manner, unlike what you just did.
it was in unrated though.
Ah.. the problem with people wanting to duel only higher exp players on DN.. I just dueled a 1600+ exp duelist.. he seemed to have tried timing me out by not responding then left after about twenty minutes.. it seemed to have been because I blasted him for high damage, as he stopped responding around that time. ratings mean nothing. Edit: huh.. what happened to double posts merging?
we are currently trying to revise rule number 11 since you can make those cards work in one deck, so it wouldn't make sense for it not to be called a true deck. maybe if we just changed it to "you may not use situational or specific card effects in decks which does not support its use."
I'm not sure why you said that, but.. okay.
this is questionable since I can use herald of orange light just to fuse with alius for the shining..
I question if decks that have level four tuners and level 4 heroes like alius as the ritual/synchro material and can be overlayed for rank 4 stuff like Utopia are allowed here if we also add in poly. it can be known vaguely as being a deck that focuses on summoning all four of those card types and still be an actual deck.. it would still work. poly for fusion alius and any level 4 you have that's of a different attribute would give you the fusion. so, does rule number 11 apply to those decks as well?[DOUBLEPOST=1354664461][/DOUBLEPOST] yeah.. I'm not sure how that works. I'd understand if he was using the omni fusions, but.. yeah.
although Sophia is banned here.. your deck is still considered to be a "true deck" regardless of whether or not you were intending to summon Sophia, so.. well, it's debatable on whether or not your deck is still considered a "true deck" since the whole purpose of it was to summon Sophia, but it can still function and win duels without it as you have mentioned. I have a Sophia deck as well, and I too won duels without actually summoning Sophia. the same thing will most likely hold true for any other deck designed to summon one card. I guess a simple warning will do for now, until we get these types of situations thought out and rule number 11 revised, probably.
if you knew it was banned, why use that deck? would have been understandable if you didn't know when accepting his challenge.
Genesis Star God Sophia is banned here.
Jaden, I think all you need is a reason to move forward. choose between these too paths: Forget about the past. forget about everything you've done up until now. (if that's even possible..) never mention about how people have told you you suck and never mention how you think you suck. you now have a clean slate. Or get revenge on those insignificant little insects! beat them at everything. make them know who sucks at life and who doesn't. look down upon them! make them feel weak and defenseless. turn the tables on those who say otherwise. you can also choose both, I guess.. that's what I did since the bottom one seems a bit mean and the top one seems too hard to do. talking in three different personalities was kind of hard >.>
it's because if you take the japanese voice out of yuma and dub him, he goes down to the negatives.
Pokemon.. they went downhill after sinnoh. a lot in my opinion.
more trying to make a pikachu with a keyboard. and this arena's quite dead as you can see.. I don't think this arena will last if we only do one subject here.
... Spoiler (\__/) (* w *) __ (~__~)/_/
that saying is different in card games though. in card games, you're probably not the only one at the top of the pyramid. once you get to the point where you're at the top, you'll either be the only one (most likely not) or with other people who are equally as strong.[DOUBLEPOST=1354378572][/DOUBLEPOST] when I thought of how you were putting limits on yourself.. I thought of this: It matters not of a person's limit, but how far that person's willing to go. by me! problem?
1. they may have practiced a lot before doing that because you obviously wouldn't make a complete fool of yourself on the internet for all to see unless you don't mind. 2. you are still influenced by the past, so of course. the idea of you sucking at everything still lingers in your subconscious mind. we'll need to test how well you do after you've completely stopped thinking that you suck.
Wrong. when you reach the point where your deck is complete, you wont find any other ones better than yours. what you may find are decks of the same archetype but with a different playstyle that may be equally as good as yours.